Download Fast Craft – Wood - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Fast Craft – Wood
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1062 - Published at: 4 years ago


Several recipes have been added for solely wooden items to be crafted from all sorts of wood. Logs and bark/wood blocks along with their stripped variants can be used to craft these items. *Different woods not compatible with each other

Crafting on mobile devices is always a tedious chore , especially when you want to make a few stacks of chests, or a bunch of fences. This addon is here to solve this issue! Most of the crafting recipes mirror the vanilla crafting configurations, just using only logs/wood. The number of items you get from it is according to the original ratio of planks & sticks to resulting item, just scaled up. Therefore, some crafting configs are impossible, so I tweaked them slightly.

Here are the crafting recipes that are different.

Boat – uses seven blocks, keeping the top corners empty.

Fence – uses 5 blocks in a helmet configuration

Fence Gate – uses 4 blocks in a “T” shape

Sign – Regular shape, except you get 2 planks back from each craft… (sorry I couldn’t make it work)

The door, stairs, trapdoor, slab, button, pressure plate, stick, chest, ladder, crafting table and bowl recipes are how you normally craft them. Also, the original recipes are still in place, this pack doesn’t remove anything, it only adds. There aren’t any recipes for wooden tools though.

This is my first “big(ger)” project, I hope you enjoyed it. If you’re wondering, I used a python script to write all the files, and spent at least 20+ hours working on it (probably could have done it faster by hand, but hey, at least it was fun).

A few last notes, you cannot mix different wood types together, or even the variants, just use one type (Eg. Acacia Stripped Logs cannot mix with Warped Hyphae or regular Acacia Logs). This is because I’m not doing the millions of variations for each placement. Secondly, since this is a behaviour pack, unfortunately you cannot get achievements in that world (unless some cheaty file editing is done to the world). Lastly, (as boats can’t stack,) the output shows that you only get 1 boat. This is not the case, rest assured, you will get your 4 boats


