Download The Flying Modern House - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Flying Modern House
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 799 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you ever wanted a house in Minecraft that you can controll with buttons? Here you have it! The Flying house is a modern house made by me and there are 6 buttons on the floor each button makes it so it moves 1 block left/right/forward/backward/up/down in different directions.

This is a great modern house and its design is futureistic.

With this house you can make your entire building move! I suggest you to change some stuff to there is the main build that gets cloned you can change that to make you dream house! Your house will be able to fly! 

Note: Chests get deleted so dont put items in. Also jump when you want to go up so you dont fall!

You need to move when the house is moveing so you dont just glitch and fall. This build delets the things it touches so you can use it to open a giant hole or make it crash in to its main version you can summon more houses with the commandblock which is in the white box that contains original version.


Click to download and check out Omega Skyblock.

This map is made by RenornTrack970! Cant be Coppied!


