Download Cake Mode Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Cake Mode Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1676 - Published at: 5 years ago


Cake Mode was created to make survival in Minecraft easier. If you are going to use this add-on we recommend setting the difficulty to easy. This will make hostile mobs spawn but your chances of killing them are much greater than before as you will have stronger punches and several other advantages.

Creator: Cheete, Twitter Account
Updated: 27 November, 2016 (full changelog)

New Survival Advantages

Let’s have a look at the new features which Cake Mode introduces to the game.

Creepers are no longer dangerous. If you hit one it will just puff up but not explode. Adventure in peace without having to worry about these otherwise frustrating creatures.


The loot has been increased for most mobs. It’s still the same type of items which drops but the amount is different.


Wolves have had their health increased. This is especially useful if you’ve tamed a wolf as then it will be able to protect you for a longer time.


The Enderman is now friendly. This means that you can stare straight into their eyes and they won’t attack you.


Most other hostile mobs such as zombies or skeletons are still hostile. The difference now is that you have better abilities, e.g. more punch strength, to kill them.


All of the villagers have been replaced by YouTubers and a weird cake dude.


The iron golem loot has been changed to make it drop a cake if it is slain.


You can now breathe in water for an infinite amount of time.


There are more things which have been changed and added in the latest version of this addon. Make sure to check out the changelog down below this video.

Demo Video


27 November:

  • Endermen are friendly
  • Endermen fight other mobs
  • You can breathe in water
  • Friendly guardians
  • The Obsidian Gemstone Villager (one villager is retextured)
  • You will now have max experience points

14 November:

  • New creeper textures
  • Changes to the zombie villager texture
  • Mystic Cake Island Map (ported map)
  • Ghasts are friendly
  • New villager skins
  • Zombie villagers are neutral
  • More loot in chests
  • More loot from blazes
  • Iron golem drops iron ingots as usual but now also a cake
  • Cave spiders are neutral
  • Zombies sometimes drop an emerald


iOS / Android / Windows 10 / Other:

Works for both 0.16 and 0.17!

  1. Download Resource .McPack
  2. Download Behavior .McPack
  3. Apply the packs for a world in-game

Cake Island (Optional Map)

Download it as a .ZIP file here!

