Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2561 - Published at: 4 years ago
Have you ever wanted to experience Terraria weapons inside Minecraft? Or you just wanted more swords in your Minecraft world! Well, your in luck! In this addon I’ve added over 75+ weapons to be used and to crafted. All weapons have different/accurate looks and stats! Which is very cool! Note: This Addon is still in Beta, So expect bugs and glitches!
(NEW UPDATE!) Pictures of Addon:
*On item frames* (75+ weapons)
*Front view of weapons*
*Inventory look*
Crafting Recipes
Here are some crafting recipes to build these weapons…
(Ignore the *bazaart* logo)
Paladin’s Hammer
Damage: 34
Command: /give @p cc:paladinshammer
Damage: 55
Command: /give @p cc:anchor
Damage: 56
Command: /give @p cc:tizona
First Fractal
Damage: 34
Command: /give @p cc:firstfractal
Damage: 10
Command: /give @p cc:umbrella
Damage: 54
Command: /give @p cc:nebula
The Axe
Damage: 14
Command: /give @p cc:theaxe
Betsy’s Wraith
Damage: 72
Command: /give @p cc:betsyswraith
Sky Fracture
Damage: 22
Command: /give @p cc:skyfracture
Soul Scythe
Damage: 350
Command: /give @p cc:soulscythe
Ice Mourne
Damage: 44
Command: /give @p cc:icemourne
Damage: 39
Command: /give @p cc:scythe
Shadow Jousting Lance
Damage: 16
Command: /give @p cc:shadowjoustinglance
Golem Fist (Second fist replaced with totem)
Damage: 90
Command: /give @p cc:golemfist
North Pole
Damage: 67
Command: /give @p cc:northpole
Brand of Inferno
Damage: 85
Command: /give @p cc:brandofinferno
Silver Broad Sword
Damage: 5
Command: /give @p cc:silverbroadsword
V2 Update
Ice Sickle
Damage: 42
Command: /give @p cc:icesickle
Candy Cane Sword
Damage: 16
Command: /give @p cc:candycanesword
Breaker Blade
Damage: 55
Command: /give @p cc:breakerblade
Jousting Lance
Damage: 56
Command: /give @p cc:joustinglance
Sky Dragon Fury
Damage: 70
Command: /give @p cc:skydragonsfury
Obsidian Swordfish
Damage: 70
Command: /give @p cc:obsidianswordfish
Palladium Pike
Damage: 32
Command: /give @p cc:palladiumpike
Star Wrath (Fixed Recipe)
Damage: 110
Command: /give @p cc:starwrath
Influx Waver
Damage: 110
Command: /give @p cc:influxwaver
Damage: 70
Command: /give @p cc:starlight
Mandible Blade
Damage: 14
Command: /give @p cc:mandibleblade
Damage: 50
Command: /give @p cc:seedler
Damage: 200
Command: /give @p cc:meowmere
Blade Tongue
Damaged: 55
Command: /give @p cc:bladetongue
(Green) Phase Blade
Damage: 21
Command: /give @p cc:greenphaseblade
V1 (First Release)
Cactus Sword
Damage: 9
Command: /Give @p cc:cactussword
Fiery Great Sword
Damage: 36
Command: /give @p cc:fierygreatsword
Damage: 150
Command: /give @p cc:daybreak
Damage: 49
Command: /give @p cc:cutlass
Cobalt Naginata
Damage: 29
Command: /give @p cc:cobaltnaginata
Orichalcum Sword
Damage: 50
Command: /give @p cc:orichalcumsword
Cobalt Sword
Damage: 39
Command: /give @p cc:cobaltsword
Frost Brand
Damage: 49
Command: /give @p cc:frostbrand
Blood Butcherer
Damage: 22
Command: /give @p cc:bloodbutcherer
Flying Dragon
Damage: 90
Command: /give @p cc:flyingdragon
Death Sickle
Damage: 57
Command: /give @p cc:deathsickle
Stylish Scissors
Damage: 14
Command: /give @p cc:stylishscissors
Horseman’s Blade
Damage: 75
Command: /give @p cc:horsemansblade
Titanium Sword
Damage: 58
Command: /give @p cc:titaniumsword
Beam Sword
Damage: 58
Command: /give @p cc:beamsword
Damage: 66
Command: /give @p cc:excalibur
Star Fury
Damage: 21
Command: /give @p cc:starfury
Damage: 190
Command: /give @p cc:zenith
Terra Blade
Damage: 95
Command: /give @p cc:terrablade
Blade Of Grass
Damage: 28
Command: /give @p cc:bladeofgrass
Adamantite Sword
Damage: 44
Command: /give @p cc:adamantitesword
True Night’s Edge
Damage: 105
Command: /give @p cc:truenightsedge
Bone Sword
Damage: 16
Command: /give @p cc:bonesword
Palladium Sword
Damage: 45
Command: /give @p cc:palladiumsword
Ghastly Glaive
Damage: 45
Command: /give @p cc:ghastlyglaive
Trident (Terraria)
Damage: 14
Command: /give @p cc:trident
Christmas Tree Sword
Damage: 86
Command: /give @p cc:christmastreesword
Chlorophyte Saber
Damage: 48
Command: /give @p cc:chlorophytesaber
Bee Keeper
Damage: 22
Command: /give @p cc:beekeeper
True Excalibur
Damage: 66
Command: /give @p cc:trueexcalibur
Fiery Greatsword
Damage: 36
Command: /give @p cc:fierygreatsword
Night’s Edge
Damage: 42
Command: /give @s cc:nightsedge
Phsyco Knife (New Crafting Recipe)
Damage: 85
Command: /give @p cc:phsycoknife
Damage: 19
Command: /give @p cc:katana
Damage: 21
Command: /give @p cc:muramasa
Ice Blade
Damage: 17
Command: /give @p cc:muramasa
Bladed Glove
Damage: 16
Command: /give @p cc:bladedglove
Phase Blade
Damage: 22
Command: /give @p cc:phaseblade
Purple Clubber Fish
Damage: 24
Command: /give @p cc:purpleclubberfish
Zombie Arm
Damage: 12
Command: /give @p cc:zombiearm
Horseman’s Blade
Damage: 75
Command: /give @p cc:horsemansblade
Chlorophyte Claymore
Damage: 80
Command: /give @p cc:chlorophyteclaymore
Enchanted Sword
Damage: 23
Command: /give @s cc:enchantedsword
Mythril Sword
Damage: 39
Command: /give @p cc:mythrilsword
Light’s Bane
Damage: 17
Command: /give @p cc:lightsbane
How to get weapons?
Simply type /function (still in beta)
Type /give @p cc: (any weapon above) ^ list
Check Out This Amazing Video!
•Click on the .mcaddon/.zip link
(After you will be redirected to the mediafire website)
•Click on download (Terraria Weapons V1 By BolloMC)
•After that click on share and share it to mcpe addons/documents
•than click import/share again and click minecraft
(contact me if you need help)
IG: @bollomcpe
Email: [email protected]