Download Stronger Vanilla Mobs Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Stronger Vanilla Mobs Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1128 - Published at: 4 years ago


Think that Minecraft’s mobs are…not challenging enough? Would you like to have a bit more of a challenge while fighting them? Or would you like some of your allies to be even more powerful? Well, this addon may just be for you! About every single mob in the game, as of 1.16.100, is even stronger then before. Hope you will enjoy it!

As said above, every single mob in the game was buffed up! All mobs got health, speed and damage boosts, while some mobs even have some other AI changes! Below, you can see what changed with every mob in this addon and how they were updated…

*Bat – Health increased to 10. No other changes

*Bee – Health increased to 20, damage increased to 8. Inflicts fatal poison regardless of difficulty. Is smaller and flies much faster when angry.

*Blaze – Health increased to 50. Shoots explosive fireballs instead of small ones, and shoots more fireballs at a time. Is bigger and has a little bit of knockback resistance.

*Cat – Health increased to 15, damage increased to 4. Will intentionally try to attack creepers and phantoms.

*Cave Spider – Health increased to 20, damage increased to 10. Inflicts poison regardless of difficulty, and the poison effect lasts longer on higher difficulties.

*Chicken – Health increased to 10. Lays eggs more frequently. Intentionally runs away from the player.

*Cod – Health increased to 12. Intentionally swims away from the player.

*Cow – Health increased to 20. Intentionally runs away from the player.

*Creeper – Moves notably faster. Explosion is bigger and more powerful. Charged Creeper’s explosion causes fire.

*Dolphin – Health increased to 20, damage increased to 7. Moves much faster.

*Donkey – Health increased to 40. Intentionally runs away from the player.

*Drowned – Health increased to 40, damage increased to 10. Inflicts the weakness effect on contact. Swims faster and will not burn in the sun.

*Elder Guardian – Health increased to 150, laser damage increased to 20. Completely resists knockback and is faster.

*Ender Dragon – Health increased to 500, contact damage increased to 50. Flies faster.

*Enderman – Health increased to 80, damage increased to 20. Teleports more often and has a bit of knockback resistance.

*Endermite – Health increased to 20, damage increased to 9. Can teleport and inflicts slowness when it attacks

*Evoker – Health increased to 80. Casts spells faster. Summons more vexes and fangs at a time with each spell. Has a bit of knockback resistance.

*Fox – Health increased to 32, damage increased to 8. Much faster.

*Ghast – Health increased to 25. Flies faster and shoots more fireballs.

*Guardian – Health increased to 50, laser damage increased to 9. Swims faster. Has a bit of knockback resistance.

*Hoglin – Health increased to 75, damage increased to 16. Faster and more resistant to knockback. Is immune to fire.

*Horse – Health increased to 40. Will run away from the player.

*Husk – Health increased to 80, damage increased to 12. Hunger effect lasts 20 seconds. Slower but has more knockback resistance.

*Iron Golem – Health increased to 150, damage increased to 30. Much faster and is now immune to fire

*Llama – Health increased to 35. Always spits at the player, even if they did not hurt them.

*Magma Cube – Large health increased to 40, large damage increased to 16. Medium health increased to 25, medium damage increased to 10. Small health increased to 14, small damage increased to 5.

*Mooshroom – Health increased to 20. Will try to kill you! Deals 5 melee damage.

*Mule – Health increased to 40. Will run away from the player.

*Ocelot – Health increased to 28, damage increased to 12. Will try to kill creepers and phantoms.

*Panda – Health increased to 30, damage increased to 8. Tries to kill you even if you did not attack it.

*Parrot – Health increased to 8. No other changes

*Phantom – Health increased to 45, damage increased to 50. Will not burn in the sun. Faster and comes down to attack more often. Attacks ocelots, cats and iron golems. Also a bit bigger

*Pig – Health increased to 15. Will run away from the player.

*Piglin Brute – Health increased to 90, damage increased to 28. Waaaaay faster. Is immune to fire. Is mostly resistant to knockback. Holds a netherite axe instead of a golden one.

*Piglin – Health increased to 32, damage increased to 17. Immune to fire. Is not scared of zombified piglins, but still runs from soul lights. Also baby piglins are evil! KNOWN BUG: Crossbow Piglins are using melee attacks.

*Pillager – Health increased to 38. No other changes

*Polar Bear – Health increased to 50, damage increased to 16. Has a bit of knockback resistance. Attacks you always even if you didn’t hurt it.

*Pufferfish – Health increased to 12, damage increased to 7. No other changes

*Rabbit – Health increased to 8. Much faster. Also much bigger :p

*Ravager – Health increased to 150, damage increased to 30. Attacks faster. Roar damage increased to 15 and deals more knockback. Is immune to fire

*Salmon – Large health increased to 20, medium health increased to 14, small health increased to 8. Swims away from the player.

*Sheep – Health increased to 20. Runs away from the player.

*Shulker – Health increased to 80. Shoots more projectiles, and can shoot them while closed.

*Silverfish – Health increased to 12, damage increased to 5. No other changes

*Skeleton Horse – Health increased to 30. Runs away from the player.

*Skeleton – Health increased to 24. Shoots more arrows. Will not burn in the sun.

*Slime – Large health increased to 25, large damage increased to 16. Medium health increased to 11, medium damage increased to 7. Small health increased to 6, small damage increased to 3.

*Snow Golem – Health increased to 30. Shoots tridents instead of snowballs. Snow Golems might actually be worth your time in this addon

*Spider – Health increased to 24, damage increased to 5. No other changes

*Squid – Health increased to 20. Swims away from the player.

*Stray – Health increased to 28. Shoots more arrows and does not burn in the sun.

*Strider – Health increased to 30. Will run away from the player.

*Tropical Fish – Health increased to 8. Will swim away from the player.

*Turtle – Health increased to 80. Will run away from the player.

*Vex – Health increased to 20, damage increased to 19. More aggressive and will charge more often. Holds a diamond sword instead of an iron one.

*Villager – Health increased to 50. No other changes

*Vindicator – Health increased to 48, damage increased to 45. Really fast and does heavy damage, avoid vindicators…Holds a diamond axe instead of an iron one.

*Wandering Trader – Health increased to 50. Spawns with 4 llamas. Remember the llamas will always attack you now, do not mess with the traders!

*Witch – Health increased to 50. Can teleport and shoot explosive fireballs.

*Wither Skeleton – Health increased to 40, damage increased to 10. Wither effect lasts for 20 seconds. Holds an iron sword instead of a stone one. Is the same size as a normal skeleton, so it can fit through 2 block gaps

*Wither – Health increased to 1000. Is completely resistant to knockback.

*Wolf – Health increased to 50, damage increased to 10. Because the wolf has much more health, food items will heal them more.

*Zoglin – Health increased to 50, damage increased to 12. No other changes

*Zombie Horse – Health increased to 30. Will attack everything, even other zombie horses! Deals 9 damage and inflicts the slowness effect.

*Zombified Piglin – Health increased to 40, damage increased to 16. Much faster.

*Zombie – Health increased to 30, damage increased to 6. Faster and will not burn in the sun.

*Zombie Villager – Health increased to 30, damage increased to 6. Faster and will not burn in the sun.

Here are some screenshots showing off the changes made to some of the mobs. Hope you enjoy this addon!


The download link should work fine and you should be able to open this addon onto minecraft normally. If this does not work, change the “mcaddon” at the end to “zip” then extract the file. After doing that, change it back to “mcaddon” then try opening it again


