Download CoalPlus Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: CoalPlus Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1162 - Published at: 5 years ago


Only works in, with experimental mode on!

Have you ever went mining (well, of course you have!), but always left coal behind, untouched? Well, I have too! I have created this addon to solve that problem, with more updates in the future that will add more functionality to coal, making it more used then Ever!


– Compressed Coal Block (Craft from 4 coal blocks)

Smelt Compressed Coal Blocks and receive a Diamond Chunk!

– Diamond Chunk 

Place in the crafting table to receive Two diamonds!

– This is not all. I have finally figured out how to add custom blocks, and much more additions will be added in the future!


Craft compressed coal block with 4 Coal Blocks!

Smelting Compressed Coal (You don’t have to smelt it with lava, of course) will give you a diamond! (This May be buffed in the future)

Smelting Compressed Coal now gives you a Diamond Chunk, Which can be recrafted into Two Diamonds, giveing the higher ratio of 1:2, instead of 1:1. The above picture will be changed in V1.0.2, with more functionality to this item in the future!

More additions will be added in the daily with major updates releasing every five updates!

Questions or suggestions? Put them in the comment section!


@JeanLucasMCPE – Helped me fix a critical bug!


- is Required!

-Experimental mode MUST be turned on!


