Download Storage++ Addon (1.8/1.9) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Storage++ Addon (1.8/1.9)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 947 - Published at: 5 years ago


This add-on adds 5 new entities that will help you better store items that otherwise take up too much space in your inventory or chests. It’s basically smart entities which each support different items based on their use. For example, there are Water and Lava Tanks which can hold up to 10 buckets per tank. And then there are also custom entities such as the Table Saw which you can use to process wood and several other cool storage units.

Creator: CodanRaigen21Twitter Account

Water and Lava Tanks

The white version holds water and the black counterpart holds lava, each tank can hold up to 10 buckets.

Table Saw

Although it’s use is different, you can interact with it using planks (all variants). It will go through a one-way process:

Planks> Stairs> Slab> Trapdoor> Pressure plate

This uses simple logic in cutting wood.

XP Storage

It can hold only 5 bottles, long-pressing with a Bottle o’ Enchanting will fill it up. To collect the XP, long-press with an empty bottle.

Milk Storage

Same concept as an XP storage, except you need to use a bucket.


  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Apply the packs for a world
  3. Create the world

