Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1290 - Published at: 5 years ago
Have you ever dreamed of a village, mineshaft and a stronghold at one place near spawn? Then this is the seed for you! And also, this seed actually has 4 eye of Ender in the end portal already! Perfect Seed for speed runs.
So, to get to the awesome place, walk towards the forest.
Keep walking so the forest is just right next to you.
Then walk a little more further and then you should see a village.
Walk to the village. The village should look like this:
If you walk to the ravine, you should see a stronghold waiting for you.
You can get into the stronghold by the tunnels that are open. (Note: Villagers fall through this ravine and they sometimes die)
The stronghold has great loot.
Walk through the stronghold (Very confusing, took me 10 minutes to find the portal) and then you should find yourself at an end portal. (Tip: look at my coordinates.)
But one more thing: right outside you should find a chest with and Ender pearl in it!
And also, walk a little more and you will find a mineshaft connected to it!
Well, that’s all I got for this seed! Note: If you are trying to do a speed run, this is the best seed for that.
Make sure to give me credit if you are sharing this!
Seed ID