MC: 2069597813: Bamboo Forest & Pandas (1.9+ Only)
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 872 - Published at: 5 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 872 - Published at: 5 years ago
This seed will spawn you in a jungle and right in front of you there is a jungle temple. Even though that’s pretty cool just by itself, it’s not the only awesome thing about the seed. Not far from spawn you will find a bamboo forest (x=464, Y=64, Z=115) and if you’re lucky some pandas as well. As bamboo forests are strictly limited to 1.9 and above you’ll need the latest beta to find it.
Found by: MCPE BETA 1.9, Twitter Account
Here’s an overview of the spawn area with the jungle temple nearby.
Coordinates for the bamboo forest: 464 64 115
Seed ID
Requires that you enable Experimental Gameplay!