Download Simple Skyblock - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Simple Skyblock
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 988 - Published at: 5 years ago


Hi guys! This is Simple Skyblock! A simple skyblock map with 3 unique islands! Get ready to put your survival skills to the test with this challenging map! Try to survive with the limited resources you have while not falling into the void!

When  you fist load in to the world you will spawn in a simple wooden lobby. There will be a welcome board

There will be 2 buttons, a start button

And a options button

 When you click the options button it will take you to a options room

When you click on the start button it will take you to the 1st island

There will be a tree and a chest. In the chest there is some typical skyblock stuff and other stuff. 

This is the dessert island. Here you will find 2 bunny’s and cacti and a chest contain dessert related stuff


Here is the nether island. This island contains nether wart, a zombie Pigman, Nether quartz, and a chest contain nether related stuff.

This is the ruins island. Legend has it that a great castle was built here once, but suddenly the ground fell into the void and only a chunk of land remands. This is a small portion of the castle, with only the pond and some sugar cane next to it. And beneath the ruin you may just find something special.


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