Download Prison Island - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Prison Island
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1537 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to PVP in a prison? have you ever wanted to play cops n robbers with your friends, have you ever wanted to stage a mock prison riot? have you ever wanted to do literally anything but in a prison isolated on an island away from civilization? well than this is the map for you. feel free to do whatever you want in this map and if you do use it in a YouTube video don’t forget to give your fans a link to this map so that they can take part in the fun as well. Also if you are looking to play with others, chat or even help build feel free to join my discord server
Map Made by Swagcaster

This 10 story (3 basement levels and 7 above ground levels)  prison can fit 259 inmates and has beds for 100 prison staff including guards, medical staff, etc. not only does this prison have quite the number of cells but it also has 3 realistic padded rooms for inmates placed in solitary confinement as well as workshops for inmates to earn time off of their sentences, a medical wing for checking up on as well as patching up inmates and prison staff, and a whole floor dedicated to inmate facilities with working showers, a post office, a library and a cafeteria. This island also features a chapel, a lighthouse, a small dock for police boats and a larger dock for unloading inmates and supply shipments. This map will be updated when it approved for free release on the minecraft market place.


