Download Rocks+ V5 (130+ Structures) End Edition - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Rocks+ V5 (130+ Structures) End Edition
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1539 - Published at: 4 years ago


This addon will be the start of my 3 part structure expansion to make Minecraft feel more expansive. This addon aims to add more rock ambiance around your world and also add more Structures that add subtle details to your world. (This is my distraction till I can mess around with the new objects that are coming in 1.17) 

Now with over 100+ structures (as of V2)

Now with over 120+ structures (as of V3)

Now with over 130+ structures (as of V5)

Complete (Maybe Bug Fixes if anymore updates)

Firstly I’m going to start off with a before and after.






As seen the rocks aren’t meant to be big changes but little subtle changes although some rocks are huge. 

This add-on with the guy with the squids Vanilla Variations Texture Pack

This add-on adds many biome specific rocks. As of V1, it adds your normal variety rocks and also biome specific rocks for the swamp, jungle, bee areas, taiga, mountains, and coming soon, desert, mesa, and nether variants. 


Starting with the super rare rocks are anomalies. These anomalies are random chunks of various locations spawning in the overworld. There are 5 variants. 

(Tweaked spawn chance to be even rarer) V2

(Now actually rare) V4

Crimson Forest Anamoly 

Nether Fortress Anamoly

End City Anamoly

And 2 other Overworld variants

Volcanoes and Volcanic rock/Underwater Vents

I’ve also decided to add volcanoes since they fit under the rock theme. Volcanoes and anything related to Volcanoes spawns in savannahs because they’re dry and hot. 


Volcanic Rock

Volcanic Vents (Fish dying sound)

Volcanic Rock (Underwater only)


Meteors and Asteroids are extremely rare structures that spawn in the world. They spawn in the floor and carry one ancient debris from another world. 

Jungle Specific Rocks

Since the jungle is lush and full of plant life, the rocks have to be leafy/mossy.

(Fossils now appear nearly everywhere but most commonly jungles) V2


Above Ground Fossils

Mini Jungle tree/rock combo

Taiga Specific

The Taiga also gets some love with some of the taiga specific rocks including podzol. 

Podzol Rock

Berry Bush Rock

All the Taiga Variants

Arches (Normal Variants)

Rock arches are fancy so why not include them. 

Campfire Arch (Lotf reference)

Collapsed Arch Variant 2

Tiny collapsed Arch

Desert (V2)

New desert rocks. The desert before only contained green dye and dead bushes and not much else. Now you can get a lot of bones from fossils spawning around.

Desert Cave (There is an occupied version)

2 Desert Ruins generating right next to each other

Mini Desert Rocky Oasis

Desert Lava Rock

Fossil Rock (There are many variants)

Mesa (V2)

The Mesa is already a very rare biome to find so the rocks there have to look nice and the atmosphere must be better. 

As seen cobblestone, cobblestone slabs, buttons, and dead corals will spawn around the mesa. It adds that feeling of dry but colorful feel. 

Mesa Arch 

Nether (V3)

Nether Spawning is very odd in the Nether so some rocks will spawn sometimes half in the wall or entirely in the wall or floor etc… 

One of the tiny rocks (Very odd spawn area)

Magma Top rock 

Medium-sized rock

Lava filled rock (Dug out of the wall slightly)

Crimson Top Rock (Spawns only in the Crimson Forest)

Mini Crimson Rock (Spawns in Crimson)

Nylium Rock (Quartz included)

Nylium Mini Rock 

Basalt Rocks (You know if they’re rocks because they have polished basalt in them otherwise they are way too hard to find)

End (V4)

A little amount of rocks to give room for other addons to add there prefered trees/natural stuff or structures. 

Basic Mini Rock (Say hi to the enderman)

Bigger end Rock

Some diorite infused end rocks

That’s about it for the end. My other structure addons should increase what spawns in the end.

Underground Caverns! (V4)

Shown in the world they’re created in so you actually see em.

Luscious Cavern, Has a lot of Emeralds doesn’t spawn that often though


Silverfish Caves ( 2 Silverfish spawners and a lot of coal)

Underground Desert (Spawns Everywhere Underground)

Underground Crimson Forest (You can find it in the overworld for nether materials early)

Misc (V5)

Ocean Rock (Siren Stone, Feel free to add mermaids lol)

Village shrine (Plz don’t steal)

There Are a Lot more Variants shown than here!

All Rocks

Minecraft Generation also changes up the stone into objects like granite, diorite, andesite, gravel, and/or coal, and now Quartz, Nether Gold, and Blackstone.

Structure Feature Maker from Download/Tutorial (Machine Builder)

If you’re making a video please credit/or link this page.

No Copying any of my structures without my permission! 

If you want to include this in an addon pack (or is it called a modpack?) please ask, I’m willing for you to modify the pack what so ever so it can fit your pack. 

COMPLETE (Content Wise)

This is phase 1/3 for my “Ultimate Structures Pack”


On Adfly you want to wait past the ads or if it prompts you to turn on notifications enable it, go to the Mediafire page and then afterward go to your setting and disable the notification.  

Make sure Experimental mode is on as it is a structure addon. 

Please delete the previous version of the pack if you're updating or else it'll give you the duplicate pack error.

1.16.40 supported as I made the addon on that version but I'd need someone to confirm if it works in 1.16 betas.

If you can't access the link I can send you the direct link privately.


