Download Resource Chickens (1.12+) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Resource Chickens (1.12+)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1039 - Published at: 5 years ago


Sometimes it can be hard to build what you want in survival mode because resources can get scarce around you or you just don’t have enough time to gather them all to build that castle of your dreams. Resource Chickens aims to help with that.

Resource Chickens is a add-on where quite simply adds chickens that instead of laying eggs produce a multitude of resources for your world! These chickens can be crafted through various recipes which also incorporate another block to the game, The compressed blocks. Sand, Cobblestone, Gravel, Netherrack, dirt, stone, and soul sand all have compressed variants crafted by just using 9 of the block that comes before it. All blocks go to quadruple compressed except cobblestone which goes to octuple compressed! 

Example Recipes


Using an egg and the resource of your choosing you can create your first resource chicken spawn egg! Simply surround the egg with the resource and you’ll obtain the corresponding egg.

Mk1 Cobblestone and Sand Chicken

Spawn rate 1 block every minute

Now that you’ve acquired your first egg you can either spawn it to get a mk1 variant of the chicken or using the spawn egg and the new compressed blocks you can upgrade the egg to get a higher tier chicken! 

Mk2 Cobblestone and Sand Chicken

Spawn rate 1 block every 30 secs

Mk3 Cobblestone and Sand Chicken

Spawn rate 1 block every 15 secs

Breedable with triple compressed blocks

(Uses both double and triple compressed blocks to craft)

Mk4 Cobblestone and Sand Chickens

Spawn rate 1 block every 7 secs

Breedable using quadruple compressed block

Cobblestone and Sand chickens are the only ones so far fully implemented. However using these two alone you can fully automate the production of stone and glass as well with the use of some hoppers and furnaces so overall these two eggs alone allow automation of four resources! Way more chickens are planned to release so be sure to keep an eye out for updates!


Click the download link below and you'll be redirected to a check box. Click the check box and then the small arrow below to be redirected to a 10 second timer. After the timer is finished click get link and you'll be able to download the add-on.

Once the download finishes simply click it and it'll automatically open and download to minecraft. Then just make sure both the texture and behavior pack are active on your world and enjoy!

Make sure experimental gameplay is on or it will not work!

Do not steal or redistribute this Add-on


