Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1306 - Published at: 5 years ago
This addon is capable of adding the mobs from this addon into your very own Minecraft world! Just remember that this addon isn’t just like any other addons, as it was dangerous and self-suicidal… just make sure to clarify that as a warning!
Wanna see something cool that I couldn’t do a long time ago? Well, why don’t you open up the vault and find out yourselves then?
In this addon, it adds:
– Hatsune Miku (custom mob.)
– Charlotte, A.K.A BetaTest-150 (custom mob.)
– Hatsune Miku
• Has 99000 HP
• Is now a custom mob.
• Special characteristics: Unable to die.
• ATK: Don’t let her beautiful, gorgeous look fool you, cuz’ she can fire 20 fireballs at rapid speeds!
• She can be found spawning at night in the Overworld but very rarely, so sleep well.
• She is considered as a boss, hence the bossbar above her. And she has infinite health. So.. Run, or die.
• She only attacks whatever provokes her. But since in this Addon, she was meant to be hostile, that will be fixed soon.
• The only advantage to get her health down is rain. She absolutely despises water. So soak her up and she’ll short circuit!!
• She also has a 50-50 chance of spawning with any random combination of armour.
– Charlotte (BetaTest-150)
• Has 500 HP
• Is now a custom mob.
• She can deal 5 damage with her gold sword.
• She can be found in both the Nether and the Overworld but very rarely.
• She only attacks whatever provokes her. But, since she’s a neutral mob, you CAN, however tame her using slices of melons. You (probably) have a 40% chance of taming her.
• Once she’s tamed, she will now follow you instead of teleporting to you constantly every time you’re too far away from her. Just any other pets do. Well, maybe…
• She is considered as a boss, hence the bossbar above her.
• Oh, and by the way? The chest picture was removed due to it being completely useless.
• Here is a picture of the two feisty girls fighting off each other in my world. Note that this can only happen when either the attacker hits BetaTest-150, or the attacker hits the player. It cannot happen immediately when BetaTest-150 is tamed.
• The Slenderman and Markiplier update is finally here!
• Slenderman
– Is now a custom mob.
– HP: 100
ATK: 20
– It is considered as a boss, hence the bossbar above it.
—–> Spoilers!!
– Darkiplier and Jack the Illager Necromancer has been removed. More info on that will be down in the changelog below!
– What’s new in the 1.0.9 update?
• Added Shootout Pillager (Custom mob, boss)
• Added Colossal Wither and Armoured Wither Skeleton (Custom mobs, bosses)
• Added GregTech Warhead (A legit nuke. Nuff said.)
• Added a function system (In chat, type “/function Reinforced_gregtech_addon_v4” to add items. More functions coming soon).
• Added Milk Stew and crafting recipe. More coming soon.
– Update 1.0.9 description:
– Shootout Pillager
• HP: 500
• ATK: Shoots 20 arrows at it’s target.
• Is a custom mob.
• Special characteristics: Deadly at close range. Far range, however? Well, that will be his next feature soon.. He is also taller than any other mob in the game.
• He is considered as a boss, hence the bossbar above him.
• Also, the Pillagers in the screenshot doesn’t like spawn with the Shootout Pillager nor do they follow him..
– Colossal Wither (Despite the fact that in the screenshot it’s called Wither Colossal, will be fixed soon!)
• HP: 1200
• ATK: Shoots 20 wither skulls at its target. Very hostile, too.
• Is a custom mob.
• Special characteristics: Doesn’t act like the normal vanilla Wither Boss, where at half health it would generate a force field, spawn a bunch of Wither Skeletons or whatever. It only depends on the health of the boss and its attack damage. Three times the size of a normal vanilla Wither Boss.
– Armoured Wither Skeleton
• HP: 40
• ATK: Does 25 damage with its stone sword. A similar weapon to the Wither Skeletons.
• Is a custom mob
Special characteristics: It does have a 98% chance of dropping something secretive when killed. Why don’t you try and find out yourselves?
• Just like the Shootout Pillager, the Wither Skeletons do not spawn with the Armoured counterpart.
• Its a neutral mob. It only attacks whatever provokes it.
• I know, I know.. You may be wondering: “Ohh, ThisJob, this dude only has 40 health and you call it boss, you stinky drunk idiot!”. Fine then, I’ll increase its attack damage, how ’bout that?
– GregTech Warhead
• A legit nuke. Nuff said.
• It’s a custom mob. Not a block. Don’t be mistaken.
• When “/gamerule mobgriefing true”, it freezes the game when ignited, then… “BOOOMM!!!”, leaving a humongous crater with fire surrounding it. Screenshots of the damage will be added soon. It may or may not be amazing, Idk…
• It can only be ignited with Flint and Steel or through a Dispenser. Using other ignition methods won’t budge it.
– Milk Stew (Crafting recipe as well)
• The Milk Stew can instantly fill up your hunger bar back to full when eaten! It also grants you Feather Falling and Resistance.
Items and spawn eggs in the Addon:
• If you’re wondering exactly how powerful Miku was in this Addon, here’s a video showing a recap of her in a fight. P.S.: This was recorded on 1.5.3 Minecraft.
Download the addon on Mediafire or the official MCPE DL link given. If the upload fails, or you just can't download it. Report this issue to Omlet Arcade, Discord, MCPE DL or my YouTube channel. You are also not allowed to post this Addon on other websites and remodify this Addon and posting it to this website or other websites claiming that it's yours. You will be salvaged when you did so.