Download Post Apocalypse (with only one function) Function Pack - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Post Apocalypse (with only one function) Function Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 855 - Published at: 5 years ago


Post Apocalypse in Vanilla Minecraft 1.13 with only one function! This one function creation turn your vanilla minecraft world into a post apocalyptic world. Zombies, Husk and Drowned will come in packs, but they can sprint really fast and its always dawn. Everything is done within vanilla minecraft and no resourcepacks are needed.

Enjoy the pack!

Creator: MarvinG Gaming, Twitter Account

Updated: 6 November, 2019 (read changelog)

How does it work?

To get started give yourself a command block: type in chat /give @p command_block

2 – Place the Command Block and type function PostApocalypse, set it to Repeat and Always Active, and voliá enjoy the Pack.

Villages turn into Zombie Villages.

Villagers turn into Zombie Villagers and they can run fast so watch out.

Horses turn into a zombie horses.

Pigs turn into zombie pigmans and it can sprint really fast too.

Zombies, Husk and Drowned won’t burn in the sunlight because its always dawn, and they come in packs and run really fast so its best to run away from them.

Bats can give you wither effect but they won’t come near you.

Fishing rods have a grappling hook ability and don’t worry you can still use them as a fishing rod it only pulls you if its not on water so their a useful tool to escape a pack of zombie. And sorry no screenshots


  1. Download Behavior Pack .McPack
  2. Apply the pack for a world
  3. Create the world


