Download PodzolMadagascar v2 [Custom Terrain] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: PodzolMadagascar v2 [Custom Terrain]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1564 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hi guys it’s Sub!

Here is my newest custom terrain map created in worldpainter called PodzolMadagascar the inspiration for this terrain map come right out the wilderness of a coastal island off the shores of mainland Africa! explore, create and survive in the PodzolMadagascar today!. 

video 2

Epic showcase credits: Eagle Six

Map content info/Credits

this map was created on java then converted to bedrock

Gold ore 2.0x normal

Emerald ore 4.0x normal

Iron ore 1.25x normal

CustomAssets: BaobabTrees DeadTrees and RocksMounds/Bolders


All of the following CustomAssets listed directly above are created by the amazing planetminecraft community! this project was possible thanks to the many content creators who shared their objects/schematics in hopes of something great being born from them! Thank you and Enjoy!

Check out and support these asset creators links below!

Mesa bolders used found here Creator: Plasmatic

Rocks/mounds used found here Creator: Lemonfox  

BaobabsTrees/DeadTrees found here Creator: Eremilion—shematics-pack/

Free Programs used to Create this  project

Worldpainter -MinecraftJava Terrain Level Designing tool @Worldpainter

This map was designed from scratch with this tool for java

Mcctoolchestpe – MinecraftBedrock nbtEditor/dataConverstion tool @CynodontA

this map was created on java then converted to bedrock with this tool


"[Terms of use]

-You may use this map in any non commercial way youd like but you may not profit off this map "meaning you may not charge people in exchange for the map or compile the map into something being sold" it is strictly for free and fare use only
-if you do choose to share/reupload this map you agree to be a super awesome person and repsectfully credit me in some way or by linking back to my mcpedl profile if you want to help me grow and create more maps


