Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1564 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hi guys it’s Sub!
Here is my newest custom terrain map created in worldpainter called PodzolMadagascar the inspiration for this terrain map come right out the wilderness of a coastal island off the shores of mainland Africa! explore, create and survive in the PodzolMadagascar today!.
video 2
Epic showcase credits: Eagle Six
Map content info/Credits
this map was created on java then converted to bedrock
Gold ore 2.0x normal
Emerald ore 4.0x normal
Iron ore 1.25x normal
CustomAssets: BaobabTrees DeadTrees and RocksMounds/Bolders
All of the following CustomAssets listed directly above are created by the amazing planetminecraft community! this project was possible thanks to the many content creators who shared their objects/schematics in hopes of something great being born from them! Thank you and Enjoy!
Check out and support these asset creators links below!
Mesa bolders used found here Creator: Plasmatic
Rocks/mounds used found here Creator: Lemonfox
BaobabsTrees/DeadTrees found here Creator: Eremilion—shematics-pack/
Free Programs used to Create this project
Worldpainter -MinecraftJava Terrain Level Designing tool @Worldpainter
This map was designed from scratch with this tool for java
Mcctoolchestpe – MinecraftBedrock nbtEditor/dataConverstion tool @CynodontA
this map was created on java then converted to bedrock with this tool
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