Download Playz++ Addon Pack - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Playz++ Addon Pack
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2023 - Published at: 5 years ago


This addon pack adds many new items to the game. It adds new swords, new tools, etc. This addon pack adds to the survival experience of the game. All the new items give special effects to the player. This addon pack will be updated frequently.

How Does It Work?


Enchanted Iron = 9 iron blocks

Enchanted Iron Block = 9 enchanted iron

Aspect Of The End = 1% chance to be dropped by endermans

The Aspect of the End does 17 attack damage and gives +100% speed

right-click with it to tp 8 blocks front.

Made it hard to get Iron, Gold, Diamond Tools/weapons:


Patterns: Blank Pattern, Blade Pattern, Pickaxe Pattern, Axe Pattern, Shovel Pattern, Binding Pattern


Blank Pattern:

Blade Pattern:

Pickaxe Pattern:

Axe Pattern:

Shovel Pattern:

Binding Pattern:

Iron, Gold, Diamond Blades (same recipes for gold and diamond blades just replace iron ingots with gold/diamond) [Shapeless]

Iron, Gold, Diamond pickaxe heads (same recipes for gold and diamond blades just replace iron ingots with gold/diamond) [Shapeless]

Iron, Gold, Diamond axe heads (same recipes for gold and diamond blades just replace iron ingots with gold/diamond) [Shapeless]

Iron, Gold, Diamond shovel heads (same recipes for gold and diamond blades just replace iron ingots with gold/diamond) [Shapeless]

Iron Binding (remember there’s no gold/diamond binding)[Shapeless]

How to craft Tools:

Swords = Iron/Gold/Diamond Blades + Iron Binding + sticks

Pickaxes = Iron/Gold/Diamond Pickaxe Head + Iron Binding + sticks

Axes = Iron/Gold/Diamond Axe Head + Iron Binding + sticks

Shovels = Iron/Gold/Diamond Shovel Head + Iron Binding + sticks

Wooden/Stone Tools and weapons are the same

Elevator Block:

4 stone blocks, 4 pistons, 1 enchanted iron ingot

Place an elevator block and place one at any height above the initial one.

now when you jump on the block which is down it will to you to the block above


3 iron ingot, 1 wooden plank

this is used to pick up the elevator block

go near the elevator block and right-click it with the wrench to pick it up.


Youtube = AGamingPlayz

Video for a Better explanation:


