Download PandaResort - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: PandaResort
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1186 - Published at: 5 years ago


Welcome to PandaResort. PandaResort is a preserve for pandas. It features a big field for Pandas, a MonoRail, a Clinic for sick pandas, a Intensiv Care station with an automatic food system & a mangement building. There are Redstone technologies built in the map.

There are 4 main buildings, Management (Office), Clinic, Intensiv Care Station, MonoRail Station. 

This is the Intensiv Care Station. It automatically turns on at day. Chests must be refilled in the Main Centre. (Currently working on a automatic bamboo farm).

This is the Clinic, it has a barrier that can be opened and closed. It also features different potions that can be used for various things. Such as healing a Panda. New in 1.1: The clinic now has two slots!

You will find little “Bamboo Farms” everywhere around the map. (Currently working on one big and automatic bamboo farm).

Here you see the main area again. Another little Bamboo Farm.

Aww! Here are some pandas! The big free field for pandas, has little water storages, little bamboo farms and of course, lots of pandas!

PandaResort will get updates very frequently since I am working on it a lot. The next update will feature lots of cool things.

Now you can also turn the Pathway lights on/off in the Management building.

Note: If you have a very bad/slow device, it could lag because of the redstone.


You need MC:PE Version 1.8 or higher because all versions below do not have pandas.

If the download links do not work, please send me a tweet.


For IOS & Android: Download the .mcworld file.

For Win10: Download the .ZIP file, extract it and add it to the minecraftworlds folder.


