Download More Sword And Craft! “Update Titanium!!!” - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Sword And Craft! “Update Titanium!!!”
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1197 - Published at: 5 years ago


in this update or added titanium, now the swords of damage make 8 up to 65!!!

ATTENTION:the crystals were created to make the player a little more difficult in order not to be repetitive the mod

ATTENTION:don’t change any files!

Brawn Sword

Aptenos Sword

Ruby/Red Sword

Obsidian Sword

Emerald Sword

Yellow Sword

Dark Sword

Brawn Sword UP

Aptenos Sword UP

Ruby/Red Sword UP

Obsidian Sword UP

Emerald Sword UP

Yellow Sword UP

Dark Sword UP

Dark Crystal

Obsidian Crystal

Emerald Crystal

Yellow Crystal

Ruby/Red Crystal

Aptenos Crystal

Brawn Crystal

Stone Stick

Brawn Ingot

Dark Ingot

Ruby/Red Ingot

Obsidian Ingot

Emerald Ingot

Aptenos Ingot

Yellow Ingot

Emerald Crystal Up

Obsidian Crystal Up

Ruby/Red Crystal Up

Yellow Crystal Up

Brawn Crystal Up

Dark Crystal Up

Aptenos Crystal Up

Brawn Sword Perfect

Aptenos Sword Perfect

Ruby/Red Sword Perfect

Obsidian Sword Perfect

Emerald Sword Perfect

Dark Sword Perfect

Yellow Sword Perfect

Titanium Star

Titanium Ingot

Titanium Sword

Titanium Sword UP

Titanium Sword Perfect

Titanium Star UP “thanks to the holy for thinking about titanium”

All Damge Sword!

aptenos sword damege: 8

brawn sword damege: 12

brawn sword up damge: 16

aptenos sword up: 20

ruby sword: 14

yellow sword: 13

yellow sword up: 21

dark sword: 19

dark sword up: 25

ruby sword up: 27

obsidian sword: 24

obsidian sword up: 30

emerald sword up: 28

emerald sword: 25

aptenos perfect: 32

brawn perfect: 35

dark perfect: 38

emerald perfect: 40

obsidian perfect: 45

ruby perfect: 50

yellow perfect: 55

Titanium perfect: 65

Titanium sword: 16

Titanium Sword UP: 27


