Download Not A Flamethrower Bonus Addon - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Not A Flamethrower Bonus Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 922 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a fun little bonus pack that replaces flint and steel with The Boring Company’s “Not a Flamethrower.” 

Included are two choices for resolution 16x (more like vanilla Minecraft) and 32x (more realistic)

This pack is a simple one. It was designed to target one specific area, and make a perfect resource pack.

It starts with compatibility, we have designed two different packs, with two resolutions. This, combined with our support for the latest version of Minecraft, means that you can choose what you want your Not A Flamethrower to look like.  

Next, we have made this pack completely change the feel of flint and steel, without changing the use or crafting. That makes this pack the best for survival worlds that also retain the ability to earn achievements. 

Finally, we have specifically designed the Not A Flamethrower to match the art of vanilla Minecraft textures, while fully representing the actual look of the Not A Flamethrower.

In-game pics


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