Download NETHERCORE - Minecraft PE Maps
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1964 - Published at: 4 years ago


A very Nether themed version of COREBLOCK, my first map that had made it into MCPEDL, anyway i had decided to do this because of the nether update, since it made skyblock in the nether possible

This map basically functions as the same as CoreBlock, except the difference is you start off in the nether, using your skills and intelligence of how spawns, tree growth, and bartering you will be able to get to your goal of killing the wither, with the help of some addons like my NetherCore Addon, the help of the Seives and OmniTools Addon by Amon28, it will be possible to beat the map,

Storyline: Youve beaten the wither, but his soul had fled to the nether world, his home world, you follow him and realize that he his home had met the same fate, you soon realize he mightve done the curse because of what your kind did to him, but nonetheless you set out a new quest to kill him once and for all

I did my beat to put alot of the nether themed stuff into the map…These Include:

-Piglin Bartering

-Netherrite Recipe

-Hoglins as the only Food Source


-Crimson Wood(Warped wood recipes coming soon)

-Respawn Anchor

Now Sieves are gonna be a very much needed thing in this map, because you can use gravel from piglins and sieve them

here is a demo to how Sieves are used

There are upgradable Meshes, from string to Gold to Iron to Finally Diamond, you will need to upgrade these in order to get better loot


now using the Dropper as a sort of custom crafter to progress into the map, you will need the Recipes(Found in the google drives) to be able to know what and how to craft

Due to the Fact that sieves are only created with Oak Planks, i have taken it myself to make a custom recipe that allows you ti craft it with Crimson Planks….seen in the Recipes Link

Here are some examples of Recipes to use in the Dropper:

And here is a demo of the crafting


-Download the Zip File


-Add it into your minecraftWorlds file

-enjoy the game ;)


