Download COREBLOCK REMASTERED - Minecraft PE Maps
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1754 - Published at: 4 years ago


Coreblock Original was a bit over done, addons overwriting eachother, too much stuff to keep updating, lots and lots of problems had occured in this map, so the solution? Remaster it, YES THIS IS COREBLOCK REMASTERED


COREBLOCK is basically Skyfactory but aimed to be vanilla and simple as possible, the only thing is that both passive mobs and hostile mobs all have more health, speed, and attack, you also have less health and can barely run any faster.

Just like the first COREBLOCK, Goal is too kill the wither, but its gonna be harder this time, mainly because you have less health and speed, and don’t worry, the wither is the same i never changed anything about its power, health, or speed.

In order to make this more original I created my own addon instead of using other people’s addons like the first one, mainly because i never got permission and the fact that there are so many addons installed, some ending up overwriting and corrupting other. This addon is also so all i have to do is update it and you could just replace the current with latest addon without having to delete your world

Story Line: The worlds gone, the wither slumbers, and you are enraged, wanting to kill the wither for what he did…however hes extremely aware of this, and has infected all mobs with immense power to stop you, but that isnt stopping you

you meet up with void pirates(illagers) and Wandering void barterers(wandering traders), and all sorts of mobs with immense speed and power coming at you, and you, a weak and scrawny 18 yearold with nothing but knowledge of survival, will you have the strength to do this, or will you perish like the rest of them.


Mob and Player Stat Changes:

a ton of changes to mobs and your player to make it feel like an actual hard game

most mobs got buffs:

Passive Mobs

Pigs: 10 Hp to 200 Hp

Cows: 10 Hp to 200 Hp

Chickens: 4Hp to 20 Hp

Sheeps: 8Hp to 30Hp

Hostile Mobs

Zombies: 20Hp to 60Hp, 

Creepers: 20Hp to 60Hp

Skeletons: 20Hp to 60Hp

Spiders: 15hp to 45Hp

Witches: 26HP to 800Hp (tanky mini boss)

(All Mobs have Triple Attack)

Players themselves:

Speed of Running: decreased so that running is the same speed as walking

Health: Decreased to half(20Hp to 10Hp or 10 Hearts to 5 Hearts)



Lots of changes to the core game play mechanics

-No more Custom Crafting Dropper, now all needed recipes are done via crafting tables, furnaces, and campfires

-its all void world, not a Flat water world with a set command that kills you at a certain height

-no more custom armor, this was an extremely hated by the people who played it, my friends thought it was pointless to do it

-Now its mostly about mob drops, and with buff mobs, i believe you might need a good luck on this

-Constantly Updating the world was a bothersome to most players as they would have to restart the world, so in order to fix that, we now only change the addon so that you guys Don’t have to restart your world, all you have to do is replace the current addon with the latest Addon, keeping your but getting updated

-Lots of these changes and recipes were inspired by Recipes and Mechanics from DandRobzProbz’s Better Skyblock and Sky-factory maps


Recipe Preview:

these are only some Recipes, the ones you wouldn’t find on the crafting menu (all other recipes should show)

Flesh to Leather(Smoker)

Basalt to Netherscrap Shard(Blast Furnace)

Diamond Shard(Crafting Table)

Heart of a Saint(Edible)

Knightly Pie(Edible)

Energy Drink(Edible)

Sweet Heart(Edible)

-Leaves to Sticks- CampFire

-Saplings to DeadBushes- CampFire

-Carrots to Cooked Carrots- CampFire

PS: for Bonemeal Recipes, Use Oak Buttons


Future Updates:

>Balancing recipes(if needed)

>Pebble item has more 

>More Campfire Recipes

>Exp Bottle Recipe

>Buffing/Debuffing of any other Mobs


COREBLOCK has had a strange history, it started out when i had decided to make a map skyblock based, but i couldn’t make any addons at the time, so i had to resort to command blocks, this was back in 2019, around July or June, this to me is known as coreblock zero, it featured addons like acid rain, and hurt me plenty, 

After that i had made COREBLOCK 1, which pretty much is the original one, which features so many addons that it was a complete BUST due to the addons overwriting one another

That brought us here, to the Remastered COREBLOCK 1, which i hope wont be a complete bust just like the original…anyway have fun and enjoy


Featured Images

None of this is legit Game play, Had to give myself some of the items or else this would take weeks to be screenshot :/ anyway enjoy the Game


Upcoming Map Sneak peak

Thank You to Xavier for Helping with this Sneak Peak Trailer (Links to his Social Medias are in the Trailer’s Description)


