Download Nether Quartz Ore - Items
MC: Nether Quartz Ore
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 901 - Published at: 5 years ago


A Nether Quartz Ore is an ore only available in the Nether and is the only ore currently located there. It was added in the 1.5 Redstone Update. When mined with any pickaxe, it drops a Nether Quartz crystal, which can be used to make a Comparator, Daylight Sensor or a Block of Quartz. Like Coal, Redstone, Diamond, Emerald and Lapis Lazuli Ore, Nether Quartz Ore drops experience when mined, and works with both Fortune and Silk Touch enchantments. Mining the ore without the use of a Fortune enchantment will drop one piece of Nether Quartz. Nether Quartz may seem to be very common, but is actually about as abundant as iron in the overworld. It simply appears to be more abundant because you can see more exposed surface area compared to caves in the overworld. This makes it a very easy task to find the ore. It is also available at any layer. There is an average of roughly 79 ores per chunk.

