Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1401 - Published at: 4 years ago
An incredible plugin that adds new entities to the underworld that brings you many more dangers and increases the difficulty for a unique experience in the underworld
Welcome to Nether Plus
An amazing plugin that adds new entities to the underworld that brings you much more dangers and increases the difficulty for a unique experience in the underworld.
Welcome to Nether Plus
By MarcoGamer & TwitchTube
TwitchTubeCreators ©
A plugin that adds 10 new entities to the game that give it an additional difficulty in the underworld, it also adds 4 new edible items.
New entities v1:
Crimson Pig:
- -Custom animations
- -They appear in the camersí biome
- -This new entity is hostile towards players
- -They fear the soul of the sand pig and blue light or blue fire
- -He is also afraid of zombie pigmans
Twisted Forest Pig:
- -Custom animations
- -Appears in the camersí biome and twisted forest
- -This new entity is hostile towards players
- -They fear the soul of the sand pig and blue light or blue fire
- -They are also afraid of pigs
Basalt Pig:
- -Custom animations
- -Appears in the basalt delta biome
- -This new entity is hostile towards players and very aggressive
- -They fear the soul of the sand pig and blue light or blue fire
- -They are also afraid of pigs
Soul Sand Pig:
- -Custom animations
- -They appear in the soul sand biome and their appearance is very strange since it can appear in other biomes
- -This new entity is peaceful if you don’t attack it (hostile only if you attack it)
- -He is not afraid of any creature
New v2.0:
Soulsand Blaze:
- -Life 55
- -Attacking players
- -Let go of a soul and a fire wand
- -Spaw deep in the underworld of the sandy sand biome
Basalt Blaze:
- -Life 55
- -Attacking players
- -Drop a wand of basalt fire
- – Appears deep in the basal delta biome of the underworld.
Crimson Blaze:
- -Life 45
- -Attacking players
- -Engender deep in the underworld of the crimson forest biome
- Drop a crimson wand
Blaze Twisted:
- -Life 45
- -Attacking players
- -Engender deep in the underworld of the twisted forest biome
- Drop a twisted wand
Consumable items
- -Crimson Wand (Effect)
- -Basalt wand (effect)
- -Twisted wand (effect)
- -Mold sand wand (effect)
New v3 entities:
-Blue Demon Ghast (0 to 1 nether ingot and 0 to 1 ghast tear) (life 35)
-Blood Demon Ghast (0 to 1 enchanted apple and 0 to 1 tear Ghast) (life 60)
New Mobs V5:
Added 8+ new entities to the game:
Crimson Pet Mushroom:
- You can tame it with fungi from the crimson biome and those from the overorld
- Appear in the Crimson Forest Biome
- Low life
- They attack most creatures and follow you
Twisted Pet Mushroom
- You can tame it with mushrooms from the twisted forest biome and those from the overorld
- Appear in the Twisted Forest biome
- Low life
- They attack most creatures and follow you
Twisted Black Mushroom:
- A mushroom consumed by darkness
- Spawn in the twisted forest biome
- Very aggressive
- They attack everything around them
- They give you poisoning
Crimson Black Mushroom:
- A mushroom consumed by darkness
- Spawn in the Crimson Forest Biome
- Very aggressive
- They attack everything around them
- They give you poisoning
Crimson Golem:
- Highly aggressive golem
- Appears in the Crimson Forest
- Life 100
- Resist fire
Twisted Golem:
- Highly aggressive golem
- Appears in the Twisted Forest
- Life 100
- Resist fire
Semi-Twisted Golem Beta :
This golem has no spawn yet
Semi-Crimson Golem Beta:
This golem has no spawn yet
Eye of Cthulhu New
This mob is not available yet but you can spawn it in the world
with the egg taken from creative
“List of Changes”
Error correction:
- -Fixed a bug with blaze consumable wands
- -Blaze wand effects now work properly
- -Fixed errors in the variable of some mobs and their animations
- -Resolution of junk files within the Add-on
- -Bug fix for blazes, they now attack correctly
- -Solution of error in the spawning of some entities
- -Bug fixes in the spawning of the Blue and Bloody Demon Ghast
- -Fixed bug in some animations of mobs
- -Spwaneo bug fix for entities in twisted forest (nether)
- -Fixed bug in blaze animations
- -Entities like blazes, pigs, and ghast are now immune to fire
Creator of MarcoGamer
Help: BrunoBeer
New Update v6

Please do not insult us in the comments because the links have ads, it is a way to support the content creators.
Happy Halloween
- 1- Download .mcaddon
- 2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
- 3- Activate the resource pack and behaviors in your world.
HOW TO INSTALL TEXTURE and Behavior? (.mcpack)
- 1- Download .mcpack
- 2- Open the file and wait for it to automatically import into Minecraft
- 3- Activate the resource pack in your world.
If you can't open the file, you'll need to download a file explorer from your store.