Category:Minecraft PE Servers
Viewed: 1190 - Published at: 4 years ago
Server IP | Connect |
Version | |
Status | Online |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Protocol | Other |
Welcome to my Minecraft Server😊 Its a Java and Bedrock Crossplay Survival Server. The Server was made for a great experience with a big world, PvP enabled and all the stuff you need. Meet nice people and build a base with them. Have a good time and enjoy it 😉
The Port is wrong! It’s 25592 but I can’t change it!
Play just normal Survival with a few commands and become the best player on the Server. Meet nice people and Share experience with them. I’m sure you will like it. The Server is 24/7 online that means you can join when you want.
What is Crosspay?
The Server Runs with Geyser! That means you can play on your mobile phone and PC. So you can play on Java Edition with your Bedrock friends in one world🙂 (The Geyser Plugin sometime doesn’t allow the Bedrock Edition players to use special things like a beacon)
Anti Cheat:
We have more than one Anti Cheat detectors. It will detect the player and will kick him. If a player gets too often detected and we see him Hack, we will ban him! For unban write in the comments.
And now the basics:
There are some simple COMMANDS :
-/sethome (Name) (Sets your home) You only can set one home!!!
-/home (Name) (teleports you to your home)
-/kit starter (Gives you a full leather kit with wooden tools and 5 cooked porkchops) The Kit has a cooldown of 3 min!!
-/warp (name) (teleports you the the locations end,nether and spawn example: /warp end)
-/tpa (sends a request to teleport you to them)
-/tpaccept (accepts a teleport request)
-/tpdeny (denys the teleport request)
-/tpahere (sends a request to teleport somebody to you)
-Creepers dont do any damage to blocks
-If you cut down a wood log with an axe it will destroy the whole tree (The wood will drop)
-tpa, homes and warps
-Everybody gets FREE Rank “Member”
-Nice Admins and Supporter
-All Feedback is welcome, to make the Server even more interesting