Download Mountain Range - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Mountain Range
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1209 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a WIP! It is NOT the completed project! Please leave ideas/tips/tricks/etc. you think will make it look better, for example, certain structures and/or buildings you would want added. There will be updates and additions to it in due time, however I will not have a schedule for it. It is created on a flat world so it does not have any surrounding, naturally generating terrain. The sand will be changed to mountainous blocks such as stone and andesite, the sand is simply a placeholder until I get the shape I’m looking for.

f etThis is going to be a mountain range with an elven/medieval-type town/city inside of it!
This is most certainly inspired by SmallishBeans on YouTube! I wanted to create something similar! The inspiration video is:

I would not have been able to create this world without the use of GoggledGecko‘s “World Fabricator world edit! Please please check it out! It is a really good bedrock version of world edit! Here’s an easy link to the MCPEDL submission for it so please check it out if you do any sort of terraforming or such!

Please remember… This is only a TEST/INCOMPLETE VERSION. I WILL be updating it when I feel I’ve made enough changes! However, do feel free to let me know what you think of it so far!
The one (Soon to be more) building outside of the mountain range is an example of the style that I will be attempting to go with for this world!

Unfortunately, the shader pack used for the images seems to no longer work (for me), however, if you want to see if it works for you, let me know and I’ll reply with a link for it here on MCPEDL.
If you are on an earlier version or other device, please let me know if it works or not. Due to having blocks only available after the nether update, it shouldn’t work because of this.


