Download MoreApples Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: MoreApples Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1053 - Published at: 5 years ago


In Minecraft there is only an apple of gold ore, would you like an apple from other ores? Addon MoreApples adds 10 new apples! Of these, diamond, emerald, redstone, iron and lapis apples!

Author: @maradon444 | Twitter:

All the crafting recipes of apple and their own status effects

Use /function more_apples to get all apples

Iron and enchanted iron apple

Lapis lazuli and enchanted lapis lazuli apple

Redstone and enchanted redstone apple

Diamond and enchanted diamond apple

Emerald and enchanted emerald apple

**Besides, if you want to make an addon review for your youtube channel, please give me the credit**


- Wait 5 seconds

- Click "SKIP AD"

- Click "Allow"

- Reload page

- Download and enjoy!

**Your mcpe is 1.14+ and enabled experimental gamerplay**


