Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1270 - Published at: 5 years ago
This add-on adds 5 new arrow head items to the game which can be used for altering the effect of the bow and arrow when being used. One of the best parts about it is that it doesn’t replace any of the existing vanilla items and it’s also very easy to use. As the new arrow heads are quite powerful it’s well balanced as they are very difficult to find.
Creator: Jimbo_Acob, Twitter Account
Updated: 10 August, 2019 (updated to latest MCBE version)
How to use the new arrow heads?
You can obtain the new arrow heads by killing skeletons as it’s only those mobs which will drop them. Drop rate: 0.035 %. However, you can use the text command below to spawn some in your inventory.
- /function jimbo
Before being able to use an arrow head you will need a bow and some normal arrows. After you’ve got those items then select the arrow head you want to use in your hotbar inventory. In this example I selected the Fire TNT Arrow Head.
Then select the bow in your hotbar and fire an arrow as usually and the arrow head effect will automatically occur. As I selected the Fire TNT Arrow Head a fire explosion erupted as soon as I fired an arrow.
Fire TNT Arrow Head
To switch to use another arrow head simply select another arrow head in your inventory, switch back to the bow and fire an arrow. It’s very easy to use!
Lightning Arrow Head
TNT Arrow Head
TNT 10 X Arrow Head: Spawns 10 TNT when used.
Levitation Arrow Head: Adds levitation effect for targets hit.
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5.Press Download File
6.Apply both packs and Turn On Experimental Gameplay!