Download Magic Sticks Add-on (1.12+) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Magic Sticks Add-on (1.12+)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1172 - Published at: 5 years ago


This add-on adds five Magic Sticks to your Minecraft! The Magic Sticks can be crafted in your survival and give oyu different effects when you’re holding them in your hand. You can also get all the Magic Sticks with the following command: /function magic_sticks.

Creator: Team Infinite Minds (Twitter Account), GuilhermeMC (Twitter Account)

Crafting & Utility

  • Storm Stick

This magic stick can be very useful to stop that boring rain that happens naturally in Minecraft. Just hold it and instantly the rain/storm will stop.

  • Mining Stick

Is Efficiency V Not Enough for You? Oh, I think this was made especially for you! This Magic Stick can instantly mine any* block you want!

  • Lava Stick

Maybe a holiday in Nether is a good choice, so you better take this magic stick that can give you infinite fire protection.

  • Feather Stick

Sometimes you have to be quick, I think this might help you. This magic stick can give you infinite speed effect.

  • Water Stick

What a beautiful day for a dive! Use this magic stick and explore the depths of the ocean! It can give you infinite effect of water breathing!

Magic Sticks In Player Hand


Click on "Download Add-on" after sliding the screen down, check the "I am not a robot" box, and click the blue arrow. After that, wait 10 seconds and click "Get Link". Then just click the download button!

If you are redirected to some ad, you just close the page, and go back to the previous page.

To activate in the world just activate the resource, which the behavior will be installed together. Or activate behavior, that the resource will also be installed together!

Enable experimental gameplay in the map options for Add-on to work!


