Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1141 - Published at: 4 years ago
So Minecraft after a bit if you beat the Ender Dragon, have all the blocks and other – it’s annoying. So I created this addon and if it’s not so much it’s because it’s an alpha version.
So Minecraft don’t have so much ores and i want more so i add the ruby and the zapphire ores for break it you need a stone or a better pickaxe
Each ores drop to you 3 of them
you will found these ores at the height of 0 to 16
With all this two new ores you can do a new weapon the double axe for craft it you need and iron axe ruby zapphire and iron ingot
This is the crafting and it deal 8 of damage and 3501 of durabilty so yes it’s better than a netherite sword…
So i know the aphapet mod and i wanted the letters and numbers block in bedrock edition too
So say hi to the Letters and Numbers Block
I spented one entire day to do this…
To craft it you only need bone meal and black dye
This is for the letters block and if you put the A Block in the crafting you will have the B Block and if you put the B you will have the C and exetera….
If you want the numbers you need of bone meal and 1 of black dye
And it’s the same method of the Letters blocks to have the numbers blocks
I Created a new biome and a new tree too
So the name is Bluyn Biome it spawn in the taiga and when i use my addon i spawn only in the taiga i want to fix this but i don’t know if it’s a bug
Anyways the name of the tree is Bluyn tree it have the bluyn log and with this you can craft the bluyn planks
With this log you can craft the stripped bluyn log
And craft the bluyn wood too
With the bluyn wood amd the bluyn stripped log you can craft the stripped bluyn wood
So with the bluyn planks you can craft all the things like the normal planks (the door and others too but the will be in oak)
So i created the Letters Block And i have D and L block so i create the MCPEDL block for create this you need the D Block the L Block and 7 of lime dye
This block was created because when this addon will be accepted mcpedl publish to all of you the addon so i created this to give credit and beacuse i don’t want the addon publish in all the site so yes MCPEDL block
After this… i create 2 new bosses one of them it’s the Ice Wither
So it’s a bit buggy but i want to repeat to you it’s an apha of the addon and so sorry
Anyway it will drop to you the ball of life
So with the Ball of life you can do The garn (For now it don’t have nice utilities)
So the garn it’s one and you need to rebeat the ice wither to have another of it but for beat the ice wither you need to beat the wither first…. so i created a second boss and it will drop to you 2 garn
(You need to launch the special ender pearl to spawn him)
So the name i typed for the boss is Triiwuxgaibr
But the Firts who will type a name for him the boss will have the name in game
That’s not all…
We have new types of glowstone too
Red Glowstone
Lime Glowstone
Blue Glowstone
Cyan Glowstone
So all of the catch light and i created this new glowstone types for 2 reason the first because i want the glowing obsidian back in minecraft…. yes i created a crafting for the glowing obsidian i don’t created a new block because the block it’s in game but it’s unotainble withouth inventory editor so i created a crafting recipe and the second reason is because i want new type of light in the game
As you can see the name is because this is not a block i created but a block that was in game
Sadly you can’t make a nether portal with it…. but you can do nice decorations
I added an ores pickaxe too it will destroy all the ores and the blocks of the ores instantly when you are near it but not the stone and other blocks like that
It’s a bit expensive.. you need A block of Diamond, Iron, Lapis, gold, 2 sticks and 3 of garn
Anyways with the Garn Zapphire and Ruby you can make their specific block
Ruby Block
Zapphire Block
Garn Block
Minecraft don’t have so much food so i created The pizza but if you want the pizza you meed tomato dough mozzarella and salt wich i added in minecraft all of them (cheese and flour too)
Flour Crafting:
Salt Crafting:
Dough Crafting:
Cheese Crafting:
Cheese in bowl Crafting:
Mozzarella Crafting:
Now you will found the tomatoes in the caves
(This addon is for normal minecraft non for the beta minecraft when normale minecraft will be able to create plants i will do it)
It drop to you dirty tomatoes
If you coock the dirty tomatoes they will be normal tomatoes
Now you can create Your Pizza
If you coock the pizza it will be… coocked
We have other 2 new mobs… The boar and the bluyn vindicator
It will attack you in survival
And drop to you the raw boar meat
And you can coock it
Bluyn Vindicator:
You will found him in the new biome and i don’t know why sometime it don’t have the hands… i will fix it in the future
I create a night vision totem if you will have it in the hand you have the night vison effect
The last thing i added is the infinite ender pearl (after 10 seconds of the launch the infinite ender pearl will dissapear)
That’s it’s all for now as i said before this isn’t too much because it’s an aplha sorry