Category:Minecraft PE Servers
Viewed: 1047 - Published at: 5 years ago
Server IP | Connect |
Version | v1.14.0 |
Status | Online |
Players | 0/10 |
Server Protocol | Bedrock Dedicated |
Description: Port: 19132 is a medieval survival server for Minecraft bedrock engine. we try to build a huge medieval map that will be in the future available as download on anyone can join watch our progress (you will be in visitor mode!)
How to request a membership for the MedievalCube server? In Order to play on the MedievalCube server you need to join our discord Server: http://discord.medievalcube/ Then you need to send these things as message in the membership request Channel:
- Your Xbox Live IGN (username)
- Your XUID/CID (Can be found by going in *Minecraft Settings click Profile and then you should see your CID Number. If not scroll down.)
- A few words why you wanna join and why we should chose you and a few words about yourself
- Your age (People that are 14 yrs old or older are preferred)
- A Photo of a medieval build that you\’ve built!
- Your YouTube Channel (Not required)
- add ic0de55 on xbox live as friend Everyone that donate for the server has a higher chance to get added as it proofs your are 18 yrs old and that you are interested for the server. Donate: All donations goes to our server and will be not used for other things!. All costs/bills and donations can be found on or on the discord server (EVERYTHING IS PUBLIC). By donating please write in the \”Spenden Nachricht\” field your Xbox live so that we can identify who donated us. All donators will get donator rank in Minecraft 1.8 and in the discord server. ** Donations are not required to get added*** After your request an admin of the server (mostly iC0de55) will contact you via private message when you have time (iC0de55\’s Time Zone is CET = Central Europe Time) for building a small medieval build in creative via Xbox live multiplayer. If we like your build you get added to the server as member. Everyone can join the Server but is in visitor mode. For everyone that gets added please read the rules. Our server\’s default gamemode is not anymore member as we had bad experience with hackers and griefers, sorry. Say thanks to them! CHECK THE PHOTO AS EXAMPLE FOR CID NUMBER
This Map was previously used as Realm Server by us. If someone can remember, the community managers of Minecraft live streamed on our realm (MedievalCraftPE now rebranded to MedievalCube) a few months ago when realms was firstly released as open product back in 2016.
NOTE: if you are getting problems joining the server just replace with
follow us to stay up to date: @MEDIEVALCUBENET
Server Name: Dedicated Server
Map: Online Welt Addi, Fabi