Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1188 - Published at: 4 years ago
Today you’ll see add-on , that add characters from my favourite russian cartoon – Gogoriki. Add-on adds 9 originaly Gogorikies, that will be spawns in your world. Let’s start review.
I wanna to watch some videos about Gogoriki in Minecraft on our favourite Russian youtube, but…. I found awful minecraft videos((
It’s awful. So I made nice Gogoriki add-on that adds cute and beauty characters.
Changes in new version.
- Gogoriki AI were changed
- Now gogoriki can pick up some items.
- For some of the characters tame items , were changed.
- Now all gogoriki attack only mobs , that they hate , or that mobs , that hit you.
- Now you can breed male gogoriki only with female ones.
- Added animals.
- Added boss – MOSASAURUS!!!!!
All gogoriki , attack pillagers , vexes , foxes , skeletons and spiders.
Spawns everywhere. To tame it use carrots or golden carrots.
Model and texture , were changed. Spawns in mooshroom plains. Tamable with using mushrooms.
Spawns in jungles. Tameable with using any types of seeds.
Spawns on plains. Tameable with using any type of seeds.
Beauty piggy, that spawns in deserts. To tame it use cake.
Young oven , that try to say Rosa about his feelings. Spawns in mesa. Tameable also with using cakes.
Spawns in villages. Tameable with using honey bottles.
Spawns in taiga. Tameable with using apple , golden apples and beetroot soup.
Spawns in frozen ocean. Tameable with using fish. Strongest one! Tame one have 160 health points and 90 damage points.
I love animals , so add 4 new animals to this pretty add-on. They have Mo’Creatures and Pocket Creatures textures and spawn eggs.
Message for Gona. I don’t wanted to thief you ideas , I did it because most of players wants to this have been an add-on. You one of the most creative creator , that I have ever seen.
For the moment added 2 new items. Elephant saddle and sugar lumps. Here is their craft recipes.
Elephant saddle
Sugar lumps
Neutral mobs , that spawns in savanna biomes. Tameable with using sugar, cake and sugar lumps. To ride them use elephant saddle. Ravager will run away from elephant.
Land Turtles
Slowy bois , that can be tame with using melons. They have 150 health points , when wild and 250 , when tamed. They also very funny when they sitting.
Digging bois. They also can be tamed , with using sugar lumps.
They looking very cute and can be tamed with using fish.
Giant preihstoric aquatic reptile (not a dinosaur) , that hunts gogoriki , illagers , villagers , turtles , dolphins and you. If you defeat it, it will drop you full set of diamond armor. Good for start , but you need to kill it. Mosasaurus have 700 health points.
Tip: Try to defeat it from the land , and use crossbow or bow.
Downlod instruction :
- Download add-on
- Active in game
- Enjoy first Gogoriki add-on ever!