Download M4ster Chief380 Skin Pack - Minecraft Skin Packs
MC: M4ster Chief380 Skin Pack
Category:Minecraft Skin Packs
Viewed: 1531 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a Minecraft skin pack for the my friend M4ster Chief380. I hope you enjoy it! it This skin pack has 21 skins for now they are all currently 64×64 and we will continue to update it in the future and the skin sizes may also include 128×128.

The first skin is the original Master Chief skin then the second is a custom on i made for my friend (the one he uses all the time) which is Master Chief in a suit.For the next skin it is Master Chief with muscles and after that we have Master Chief as a god then we have Master Chief with a Santa hat/costumes for Christmas. The next one has a turtle shell on him and the next one is Master Chief with a Steve face. After that we have Master Chief as Mario and Luigi also we have a Master Chief Noob skin and after that there is Egg Chief380 Mc Master Chief380 and Spooky Chief380. There is then Ice Cream Chief380 and Candy Chief380. We also have some female version of Master Chief we will update this pack in the future if you have any suggestions comment down below i hope you enjoy.

M4ster Chief380:

Tuxsito Chief380:

Muscle Chief380:

Godly Chief380:

Santa Chief380:

Santa Chief380 2:

Santa Chief380 3:

Turtle Chief380:

Steve Chief380:

Mario Chief380:

Luigi Chief380:

Noob Chief380:

Egg Chief380:

Mc M4ster Chief380:

Spooky Chief380:

Ice Cream Chief380:

Candy Chief380:

Bikini Chief380:

Female Chief380 1:

Female Chief380 2:

Female Chief380 3:

My Youtube:

M4ster Chief380 Youtube:


MCPack File:

Download The file

After You Downloaded it, Open Your Downloaded File

And It Should Automatically Installed On your Minecraft Maps

ZIP File :

 Download The File

Find The File You Have Been Downloaded

Extract The File With Some File Manager Apps

Copy/Move The Extracted File To games\com.mojang\skin packs


