Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1175 - Published at: 5 years ago
Are you tired of typing long or individual commands all at once? Or youre just lazy?
Welp, LegitXSkilzz Function Pack or LXSFP is what you needed! You can type commands all at once! Need a command block and a barrier? Do /function givecbs and you get all of it! EZ
Do /function LXShelp for list of functions
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/function lagclear – Its like /kill @e BUT It only affects to entities without the tag “save” Tag youreself by doing /tag
/function killall – Removes every entity without the tag “save” and they wont drop any loot! They just VANISH!
/function givecbs – Gives most used items by mapmakers and stuff. It gives 16 of the 3 types of command blocks, 16 structure_void/block, 16 barrier.
/function tpall – Teleports every player to the executor of the function
/function invis – Gives invisibility to the executor of the function with no particles
/function nv – Gives night vision to the executor of the function with no particles
/function components – Gives all the details for the command /give and /tellraw (useful for mapmakers.
/function antiTNT – Notifies players with tag ‘tntnotif’ and kills the TNT..
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/function antiWITHER – Notifies players with tag ‘withernotif’ and kills the wither..
/function kitpvp – Gives player with full iron set and 16 Gapples
/function kitpvp1 – Gives player full iron with an enchanted sword
/function kitpvp2 – Gives player full Diamond set with an enchanted sword
/function kitpvp3 – Gives player full Diamomd set and an enchanted Diamond sword
/function OPench – Gives players enchant that are OP if put on a repeating command block
/function troll_herobrine – Says “Herobrine joined the game” as a troll
/function wools – Gives player 16 wools arranged according to their data 0-15 Useful for figuring out what data does a color is in commands
/function troll_fakeop – Gives fake op tk plauer in chat
/function mutechat – Mutes players that doesnt have perms to avoid spam
/function unmutechat – Unmutes the chat
/function adminperm – Gives admin perms to nearest player (Only the tags not OP)
/function radminperm – Removes the admin perms
/function tickingarea – Adds ticking area with 4 chunks
/function troll_fakelag – Tps player backwards just like the normal server lag
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/function veinminer – Destroys vein of ores when broken if activated in a repeating command block
/function treechop – Destroys an entire tree when broke, if activated in a repeating command block
/function troll_oreremove – Remove ores when a player goes nearby it, useful for xrayers
/function zoom – Zooms activator’s screen
/function trap – Traps players with tag “trap” if activated in a repeating command block
/function smiteall – Strucks everyone with lightning
/function smite – Smites players with lightning if activated on a repeating command block (Do/tag
/function void – Destroy bottom blocks of the player eith a tag “void”
You are allowed to:
1. Use this on your servers/maps with credits to LegitXSkilzz
2. Edit the pack for PERSONAL use
3. Use in your videos with credits or link to my channel [LegitXSkilzz]
4. Share th
e pack without changing any files ESPECIALLY the credits inside! Please, ive spent an hour doing this! Just use this mcpedl link.
You are NOT allowed to:
1. Change the credit and says you made this! This addon is made by LegitXSkilzz
2. Upload this to another website without proper credits
3. Edit the files then share to people (They might blame me for the errors if you change it then give it to them)
Special thanks to:
Element X – For the template