Download KeepJumping [Parkour] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: KeepJumping [Parkour]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 956 - Published at: 4 years ago


To survive this map there is just one thing you have to remember and that is to Keep Jumping! To get from start to finish you need to jump on pressure plates. Once you’ve stood on a pressure plate it will make the block beneath it disappear. This means you’ve always gotta keep moving. It’s a perfect map for anyone who’s up for a hard and intense challenge.

Creator: The Obsidian Gemstone, Twitter Account

How to play?

Jump from one pressure plate to another until you reach a checkpoint.


Once you’ve reached a checkpoint then open the text chat and type the following command to save your checkpoint: /spawnpoint

If you are killed you will spawn back here and you can then can restart the level. There are six different checkpoints throughout the map.


Demo Video


  • You are not allowed to walk on the wood blocks (checkpoint platforms excluded)
  • Set difficulty to peaceful
  • Play in survival mode

Download .McWorld
Download .ZIP

