Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1373 - Published at: 5 years ago
This addon adds several creative tools that allow you to quickly replace blocks. Use the eyedrop to select a block, and then use one of the brush tools on your world. Use the 3x3x3 or 5x5x5 brush to paint blocks in a small area or a path, or use the paint fill to paint over a large connected area or structure.
These tools require a bedrock edition with Scripting, and have been tested on Windows 10 Edition version 1.12.
With the eyedrop tool selected, right click a block and the script will remember it for painting.
When you right click a block with the first brush, it will replace similar blocks in a 3x3x3 cube. The second one is slightly bigger at 5x5x5.
These are good for path making.
Fill Brush
To paint with the fill brush, right click a block and it will begin a paint fill. Use the brush again without targeting a block to continue the fill process step by step. This is done to keep it from getting out of hand and causing too much lag.
This tool is good for landscaping or redesigning builds with different materials.
I hope you find these tools useful. If you think a new feature or change would make this addon more useful, please leave a comment!
1. Open the .mcaddon file which will launch Minecraft.
2. Create a new world or open existing, and add the new resource and behavior packs to the world.
3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in Game settings.
4. Start your world in creative.
5. Type the command "/function givetools" to add the brushes to your inventory.