Download Improve Nether (Nether Upgrade) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Improve Nether (Nether Upgrade)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1410 - Published at: 4 years ago


Do you think that the nether update is missing more things? Would you like to extend the fun time with new things in the nether? Well Minecraft Nether Upgrade is for you.

Minecraft Nether Upgrade it’s a Add-on that improve the nether update adding new things to the gameplay.


Basalt (Overworld)

You can find the basalt in the cape y=50 to down.

You can craft:

Basalt Bricks

Basalt Smooth

Basalt chiseled

Rose quartz ore

You can find in the nether. This ore drop rose quartz (3-5 rose quartz)

You can craft:

Rose quartz block

Rose quartz pillar

Rose quartz smooth

Rose quartz chiseled

Nether gold ore

They can drop 5-7 gold nuggets

Lightning Block

If you walk in this block, it will shoot lightning bolt and lose its energy

Crimson Obsidian

If you put in this block, they will give you fire resistance for 10 seconds

Warped Obsidian

If you put in this block they will give you speed for 10 seconds

Soul pumpkin

If you put a soul pumpkin and there are piglins nearby, these will freak out and leave the place

Warped Bricks

It’s the counterpart of crimson bricks


Seven new weapons

Wooden Dagger

Makes 5 attack damage

Stone Spear

Makes 6 attack damage

Iron Hammer

Makes 8 attack damage

Golden Sickle

Makes 9 attack damage

Diamond Katana

Makes 10 attack damage

Rose Quartz Sword

Makes 10.5 attack damage

Netherite Battleaxe

Makes 11 attack damage

Power book

This item awake the secret power of the new weapons

Wooden Dagger

Makes 6 damage

If you use the item, it’s give you speed for 45 seconds

Stone Spear

Makes 7 damage

If you use the item, it’s give you speed and jump boost for 45 seconds

Iron Hammer

Makes 9 damage

If you use the item, it’s thrown lightning bolts to the mobs in a radius of 24

Golden Sickle

Makes 11.5 damage

If you use the item, it’s give slowness, poison and weakness for 45 seconds to the mobs in a radius of 12

Diamond Katana

Makes 12 damage

If you use the item, it’s give you speed, jump boost and invisibility for 20 seconds

They teleport you in a random site (7 blocks of distance)

Rose Quartz Sword

Makes 11 damage

If you use the item, it’s give you regeneration 3 for 10 seconds

Netherite Battleaxe

Makes 13 damage

If you use the item, it’s give you strength, speed and night vision for 10 seconds 

Warped wart

You can make a lot of things Whit this Add-on, you can transport more crafting Warped wart block. This item can be obtained trading with piglins

Other mechanics

Piglin trades:

Now, if you trade with piglins, you can obtain the next things

Netherite chest

To put the chest, you need to use the item in the place that you wanna put the chest, once make this, they will give you the key and the remover of the chest

You can lock and unlock with the netherite key, to remove you need the remover

Netherite key


You can see the next videos to see how this Add-on works:


