Download IL Staff Skin Pack 3.0 - Minecraft Skin Packs
MC: IL Staff Skin Pack 3.0
Category:Minecraft Skin Packs
Viewed: 1437 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have played the IL Fan Realm? Want to use IL Staff Members’ skins? This is the Official IL Staff Skin Pack (VERSION 3.0)! In this pack, it contains every single IL Staff Member’s skin available for you to use!

This is the Official IL Staff Skin Pack (VERSION 3.0). Thank you for checking out our Official Staff Skin Pack 3.0! This Skin Pack contains every single IL Staff Member.

Members in this Skin Pack:
MathGenius0203, Unknown7785, Derp Pew Pew996, Nightexpert111, WolfClicks, KureinaiGai, GamerKiller1113, xxxYoloxxx999, Ceci5154, Char787YouTube, LittleBuddy1177, and IL Steve.

You may have heard of IL. We are a rapidly growing Minecraft community team based on the YouTube channel iLegendianoth with over 3.9K subscribers and over 1K realm members!

Here’s what the skin pack will look like in Minecraft:

Looks amazing, right?

Skin Pack Credits:
MathGenius0203 (OWNER, Final Organizer, Publisher)
ZombieFire101PZ (Skin Pack Creator, Coder)

IL Team:
Owner: MathGenius0203
Co-Owner: Unknown7785
Senior Administration Team: Derp Pew Pew996, Nightexpert111, WolfClicks
Administration Team: KureinaiGai
Senior Moderation Team: GamerKiller1113, xxxYoloxxx999
Moderation Team: Ceci5154, Char787YouTube, LittleBuddy1177

About The Owner:
Minecraft Gamertag: MathGenius0203
YouTube: iLegendianoth
Discord: iLegendianoth#0001
Twitter: @legendianoth
Instagram: @ilegendianoth

Minecraft Realm: (click here to join)
Discord Server: (click here to join)

If you have subscribed & followed the owner and joined our community, you’re a gem!

Thank you again!


When you press download: 

You will be redirected to;

Wait for 5 seconds and then press "Skip Ad" in the top right corner;

You will be redirected to MediaFire; 

Press the green "DOWNLOAD" button; 

Wait for about 10 seconds for it to process; 

If you are on iOS/Android, press "Open in Minecraft"; if you are on Windows 10, press "Run"; 

You will be redirected to Minecraft; 

The installation will begin, it usually takes less than 10 seconds to install.

If the links don't work, please CLICK HERE to join our Discord server for a new link or email [email protected]!


