Download Holo Sunset [CTW] & [DTM] (PvP) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Holo Sunset [CTW] & [DTM] (PvP)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 773 - Published at: 5 years ago


This is a Capture The Wool (CTW) and Destroy The Monument (DTM) map inspired by Overcast Network (R.I.P). It consist in three objectives: two wools and a monument, which is made with one obsidian and one gold block.

Due to scoreboard commands limitations, there is no friendly fire protection. So, be careful and don’t hurt your teammate.


  • No mods needed, just redstone and command blocks are used.
  • Two teams: Cyan and Orange
  • Three objectives
  • There are some chests with useful items
  • Diamond and iron blocks on the center islands

Note: The map is completly in Spanish, but if you follow this instructions, you will understand how to play. By the way, if someone want to translate the map, it would be awesome, but pls don’t forget to give me credits.

The map:

Wool houses: 

There are one per color. Cyan team must steal green and blue. Orange team must steal red and yellow. IMPORTANT: you cannot enter on the wool houses that is in your base. So, for example, if you enter on the enemy’s side wool house, you’re safe there. (Except for the arrows)


In your spawn you’re safe, your enemies can’t enter here. Here you must put the wools that you steal from the enemies base. One wool per spawn, pay attention.

The monument:

Inside of this thing in the center, there are one gold block and an obsidian block you must break them to mark this objective for your team. Obviously, you must break the monument that is in the enemy side.


In the first plane, the common lobby, here you can see the teams uniform and the starter kit (IMPORTANT: in the game, you CANNOT use the armor from your dead enemies). You must eneter below the floating Cyan/Orange wool to enter a team. Later, you will be teletransported to the team lobby (the box with the map’s name), that also work as a marker. The red lines turns green when a objective is complete. In the team lobby you can wait until you and your team are ready and then active the lever behind you. Both teams must be ready to start the game.

Finally, join with your friends and start this funny pvp game, and remember, you can edit the world during the game as you want, in order to protect your monument and your wool houses, as long as you dont’t break the rules.

Have fun and sorry for my English :(. Don’t forget to give me your feedback and if you can, please upload your match to youtube, I will be very happy for that :D.


Just open the .mcworld file and minecraft will install it for you. Then join some friends and start to play :D.


