Download Ice Warrior Boss Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Ice Warrior Boss Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2546 - Published at: 5 years ago


This addon introduces a new boss to the game,The Ice Warrior. This add-on is for people who think that the bosses in minecraft is just a piece of cake. This new boss is powerful enough to beat the Wither! Definetly a hard boss to beat!


Ice Warrior

  • The Ice Warrior is the boss of this addon. With 440 hearts (880 health!) and 20 hearts(20 health points)  of damage, this is not an easy boss to beat ( I recommend drinking the Ice Warrior’s Essence before fighting this boss ).
  • Switches from melee mode, ranged mode,  roar mode and summoning mode.
  • Hits you with slowness effect that lasts for a minute.
  • During ranged mode, it rapidly throws ice balls that deals 12 damage every hit! (Get a shield to protect yourself)
  • Permanently deleted freeze ability because of crashing.
  • When spawned/summoned, the ice warrior spawns a tamable flying ice cube. 
  • Ice Spikes are now entities that will damage you. 
  • Now has sound effects!
  • Occasionally summons 6 ice warrior minions ,6 ice archers, Ice Spikes, 3 Ice Buffers, and 4 fake ice warriors (identical to the ice warrior).
  • Now has a new SPECIAL ATTACK.
  • It randomly teleports.
  • Now has a new skin!
  • It attacks monsters, undead mobs, iron golems, illagers, The Fire Warrior, and of course, players.
  • It won’t attack you if you’re wearing am Eslyvian Helmet (replaces steve head).
  • If defeated, he drops 5-64 diamonds, 32-64 blue ice, and drops his sword, FROSTBITE

Fire Warrior

  • The nemesis of the Ice warrior. 
  • It has 375 hearts (750 health points) and 32.5  hearts (65 health points) melee damage. Like the ice warrior, it can regenerate health and teleport. He can also turn the ground beneath him into magma blocks including air and bedrock!
  • It switches from melee to ranged attacks.
  • During ranged attacks, it rapidly fires custom fireballs at it’s targets.
  • He now summons little minions that doesn’t attack players unless provoked.
  • He gets damaged if he’s in water or if it is      raining.
  • Fire Warrior will automatically turn on mob griefing and fire spread. He also now sets any entity within a 5 block radius on fire!
  • If hit with lightning, it will transform into the Powered up/Ultra Fire Warrior.
  • Now has sound effects!
  • It attacks undead mobs, monsters, illagers,    iron golems, The Ice Warrior, ice minions and ice archers.
  • Only attacks the player if provoked.
  • If killed, it drops 69-420 magma blocks, 5-64 diamonds, 1 diamond sword, and his mini fire shield. 
  • Has a new spawn egg!

Flying Ice Cube

  • A new, tamable mob!
  • Tamable with Blue Ice (45% tame chance)
  • 3.5 hearts (7 health points) if not tamed, 10 hearts (20 health points) when tamed.
  • Drops ice or blue ice every 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Has a custom model and animation!
  • The only way to find this mob in survival is by spawning the Ice Warrior.

Ice Buffer

  • Occasionally summoned by the Ice Warrior.
  • Looks identical to the Ice Archer and has the same equipment as the ice archer.
  • Buffs the Ice Warrior and it’s allies. It also weakens the Fire Warrior.
  • It has 100 health and shoots ice projectiles at it’s targets.
  • It attacks monsters, undead mobs, iron golems, illagers, The Fire Warrior, and  players.
  • Won’t attack you if you’re wearing am Eslyvian Helmet.

Ice Warrior’s Husk

  • It’s just a husk of Ice Warrior’s former self.
  • It’s texture is a darker version of the Ice Warrior’s skin
  • Give it the Ice Warrior’s Essence to turn it back into the ice warrior ( a button will appear saying “Summon the Ice Warrior” like this: )
  • It’s transformation takes about 8 seconds.
  • Spawns in frozen and icy biomes in a light level of 3.
  • Has a new spawn egg!

Ultra Fire Warrior

  • It is a powered-up version of the Fire Warrior.
  • It has 28125 hearts (56250 health!) and is hot enough to turn stone into lava, turn sand into glass, turn most blocks into magma, and turn wood into coal (this ability only works if it is 10 blocks above bedrock). It also sets any mob within 20 blocks on fire.
  • It’s related to the wither, so it has the same abilities as the wither.
  • Occationally summons fire warrior’s minions.
  • It can rapidly shoot large fireballs, warrior fireballs, ULTRA warrior fireballs, and shoot wither skulls.
  • It has the same loot as the Fire Warrior.
  • Has a new spawn egg!

Ice Warrior Minion

  • A helpful aid of the Ice Warrior.
  • It has 6.5 hearts(13 health points) and does 1 heart (2 health points) of damage.
  • With every hit you take from it, you get the wither effect.
  • Now has a bigger collision box and a new spawn egg!
  • Now has New Skin!
  • Won’t attack you if you’re wearing am Eslyvian Helmet.
  • Spawns in frozen and icy biomes in a light level of 5-10.
  • Drops 1-5 Impure Ice Fragments and sometimes drops an ice dagger

Ice Warrior Archer

  • It has 5 hearts (10 health points) and shoots warrior iceballs.
  • Now has a NEW SKIN!
  • Has a new spawn egg!
  • Won’t attack you if you’re wearing an Eslyvian Helmet.

Fire Warrior’s Minions

  • Has 9 hearts (18 health points) of health and deals 1.5 hearts (3 health points) of damage.
  • It either spawns naturally in the nether or is summoned by the fire warrior.
  • Has a custom spawn egg.
  • Doesn’t have loot (for now).

Eslyvian Golem

  • It has 260 hearts ( 520 health points ) and deals around 10.5 to 17.5 hearts (21 to 35 health points) of damage. 
  • Has sound effects.
  • It is a mini boss.
  • Has 4 stages, every stage it gets tougher
  • Stage 1: 
    • Normal texture (as shown above)
    • 100 health points
    • Movement speed: slow 
  • Stage 2:
    • Slightly broken (as shown below)

    • 120 health points
    • Movement speed: Skeleton
  • Stage 3:
    • Starting to fade and very broken
    • 140 health points
    • Movement speed: Slightly faster than a Skeleton.
  • Stage 4 (Final Stage)
    • Many parts gone and looks as if damage is beyond repair
    • 160 health points
    • Movement speed: Medium
  • You can heal it using pure ice warrior fragments.
  • It won’t attack you if you’re wearing an Eslyvian Helmet.

Eslyvian Soldier

  • Doesn’t spawn naturally
  • Has it’s own spawn egg.
  • Has sound effects

  • Has three types:
  • Melee Type
    • Has 50 health points and does 8 damage.
    • 45% chance of spawning.
    • Sometimes drops its sword,
  • Heavy Type
    • Same texture and loot as the melee type.
    • Has 100 health points and does 15 damage.
    • 10% chance of spawning.
    • Bigger than normal.
    • Very resistant to knockback and damage.
  • Archer Type

    • Has 45 health points and shoots 2 ice arrows.
    • 45% chance of spawning.
    • An ice arrow does 4 to 8 damge each.



  • This Sword is dropped by the Ice Warrior.
  • When equipped, you are 3 times faster and do 25 hearts (50 health points) of damage!
  • You also get other effects like resistance, fire resistance, etc.

Fire Warrior’s Mini Shield

  • This shield is dropped by the Fire Warrior.
  • It gives pure invulnerability when sneaking.
  • Has 666 durability and it currently can’t be repaired. 

Impure Ice Fragment 

  • Dropped by Ice Warrior Minions and is used to craft a 5o% Complete Ice Fragment

50% Complete Ice Fragment

  • This is crafted using 2 Impure Ice Fragments 
  • It’s also used to craft a Pure Ice Fragment

Pure Ice Fragment

  • This is crafted using 2 50% complete Ice Fragments 
  • It’s also used to craft the Ice Warrior’s Essence and to heal an Eslyvian Golem.

Ice Warrior’s Essence

  • This item is crafted using 8 pure ice fragments and 1 glass bottle.
  • Drink this potion to get a power-up ( resistance, fire resistance, regeneration, strength, and absorption. ).
  • You can also use this to summon the Ice Warrior by long pressing on the Ice Warrior’s Husk while holding it.

Ice Dagger

  • Can be crafted by using two 50% complete ice warrior fragments
  • While holding it, you become 50% smaller, 2 times faster and deal 5 damage.
  • Has 440 durability and cannot be repaired.

Eslyvian Sword

  • The main gear of melee type and heavy type eslyvian soldiers.
  • To craft, you need six 50% complete  ice fragments, 2 pure ice fragments, and an ice dagger like this:
  • While holding it, you deal 15 damage and become 2 times faster.
  • Has 880 durability and cannot be repaired.

(Ice bow has no use)


/summon blue:ice_warrior

/summon blue:ice_warrior_minion

/summon blue:ice_warrior_archer

/summon blue:fire_warrior

/summon blue:fakei

/summon blue:special_attack

/summon blue:ice_spike

/summon blue:warrioriceball

/summon blue:warriorfireball

/summon blue:ultrawarriirfireball

/summon blue:real

/summon blue:iwspawn

/summon blue:iwhusk (Ice Warrior’s Husk)

/summon blue:ice_projectile

/summon attack:ice_spike

/summon blue:ice_buffer

/summon blue:ultra_fire_warrior

/summon blue:fire_warrior_minion

/summon blue:eslyvian_golem

/summon blue:eslyvian_soldier

/summon blue:ice_cubepet

/give @p blue:frostbite

/give @p blue:ice_warrior_fragment_impure

/give @p blue:ice_warrior_fragment_50

/give @p blue:ice_warrior_fragment_pure

/give @p blue:ice_warrior_essence

/give @p blue:mini_fire_shield

/give @p blue:eslyvian_sword

/give @p blue:ice_dagger

/give @p blue:ice_bow


Before adding the Behavoir Pack and Resource pack, Please, Turn on Experimental Gameplay. The Items won’t work if you don’t turn it on.

( This addon would not be possible without my friends, Julian Valdez {Character Creation}, Timothy Wu {Powers and Abilities}, and Kyle Matthew Tan {Coloring Artist}. )


