Download “HorrorCraft”: Halloween Special - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: “HorrorCraft”: Halloween Special
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 3722 - Published at: 4 years ago


An add-on that brings you some of the most popular horror movie antagonists (and more coming on the way!). Explore your world with caution, and watch out for the night, then is when things get spooky. It also brings some new weapons and rare consumables.

The HorrorCraft adds around 40+ new mobs, including bosses, mini bosses and NPCs, one of them will exchange you valuable items and weapons as well as rewarding you for the mob drops you trade with him.

Ash Williams:

The new trader, from the “Evil Dead” movie it’s a new entity that will reward you for your killing effort. But, if you try to make him mad, he really will chase you to dead. He spawns in beaches and jungles. Sometimes spawns in plains. 

Trades:By giving him an iron block, in exchange he will give you an Engine, a piece used for crafting The Chainsaw

New trade: Now Ash can give you in exchange of a golden cauldron a unique lucky potion.

Regan Macneil:

After she was exorcised, Regan became a better person, now she will give you some things in exchange. (The only way to find her is by exorcising Regan).


New trade: Regan Macneil now exchanges an antidote for Art the clowns lethal syringe.


Hellboy: The new trader that spawns only in the Nether, he will trade you cursed blood and Freddy’s ash in exchange of valuable minerals from the overworld like diamonds, emeralds and even gold, as well as other trades.



Horseman’s axe: one of the most powerful weapons in HorrorCraft, grants you with the resistance effect for a period of time, and it deals a damage of 12 hearts. It can be dropped by The Headless Horseman.

Drowned sword: it is a really strong and usefully weapon, built from 2 upgraded drowned gems and a nautilus stick it deals a damage of 10 hearts, with a high durability and also has the ability to give you the effect of Conduit Power for a period of time, but as price for its power you will suffer a little of slowness for a short time. In order to be able to use it’s effects again you should unequip the sword for the same time you received them.

Machete: it is used by the cannibals that walk through forests, they are the only ones who drop it. It deals a damage of 6 hearts.

Crooked hook: it deals a damage of 7 hearts. It can be only dropped by The Crooked man.

Crowley’s hatchet: it deals a damage of 8 hearts, and can be only dropped but Victor Crowley.

Jason’s machete: it deals a damage of 7.5 hearts. Sometimes Jason Vorhees can drop it, or you can acquire it trading with Ash Williams.

Freddy’s glove: it deals a damage of 8 hearts. Sometimes Freddy Kreuger can drop it, or you can acquire it trading with Ash Williams. Now has the ability to give you nigh vision for a short time. After equiped the weapon, the effect will start, after you change the item, in order to be able to have the effects again you must wait about 20 seconds. 

Combat knife: it deals a damage of 6.5 hearts. Sometimes Ghostface can drop it, or you can acquire it trading with Ash Williams.

Knife: it deals a damage of 5.5 hearts. Sometimes Michael Myers, Chucky or Norman Bates can drop it. It is craftable with an iron and a stick.

The Chainsaw: it deals a damage of 15 hearts, the most powerful weapon, but it also has a low durability. It has the special ability to break wood logs just by touching them (By touching them I mean literally passing nearby, they will break when walking through them. This behaviour was invention of Dakonblackrose, go check his templates! ). In order to obtain the chainsaw, you must get the two parts that Leatherface can drop (the saw and the chainsaw base). The engine, as seen before, is obtained by trading it with Ash Williams


Saw: it deals a damage of 10 hearts, and has a really low durability, you better save them to craft a chainsaw.

Sam’s candy: these sweet weapon will have a better duration than the other weapons, and has a damage of 6 hearts. The way to get it is by trading it with Ash, sometimes Sam can drop it. Now it has the ability to give you speed for a short time. After equiped the weapon, the effect will start, after you change the item, in order to be able to have the effects again you must wait about 20 seconds. 

Candyman’s hook: these hook forms part of Candyman’s hand, it deals a damage of 9 hearts, and has the ability to make you invisible for a short time (still you will be invisible, but if too close to mobs, they will spot you). After equiped the weapon, the effect will start, after you change the item, in order to be able to have the effects again you must wait about 20 seconds. Candyman has a chance to drop it, or you can get it trading with Ash



-The haunted mobs: including a variant for the Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Creeper and Enderman, this pumpkin like monsters are stronger than their alternative versions, and have unique drops, the new Candies. Go haunt them, and get some treats! They spawn in deserts.

-Dullahan spirit: a headless spirit that will live around soulsand valleys (rare). They are the weakest mob in HorrorCraft, but also the strongest. They have 10 hearts of life, but they deal a damage of 15 hearts. Try haunting them from distance. They are also summoned by The Headless Horseman.

-Puppet: he is harmless, unless you approach him…he can cause you a fatal poison death when in range. He will be summoned by Mary Shaw in some cases, try not killing him, you can make use of him later.

 Once you defeat Mary Shaw, she will rarely drop an amulet, which you can transform into a totem amulet. This amulet can be used to transform the puppet, after that he will become a totem puppet.

Once transformed, you can try taming him with diamonds, so he can become an useful allied. Either if you want to use him as distraction or take advantage of the resistance effect he gives you while near him. It he gets hurt, he can be healed with doll parts or diamond, for a better healing.


Cannibals: from “Wrong turn”. They will walk around forests, be careful!  

Anabelle: from the universe of “The Conjuring”, she will spawn randomly around your world and won’t move. If you get close to her, you will receive damage and wither effect.

Tiffany: (from “Chucky’s bride).

Art the clown: (from “All hallow’s eve” and “Terrifier”). Now he has an unique drop, that is really important, the syringe and it’s parts.

Carrie: (from “Carrie”) when she attacks you, you will levitate for a short time, the best way to counter her is with ranged attacks. 

Cursed wood: this is a giant tree monster that will spawn sometimes near forests, or also can be summoned by Blair witch.

Victor Crowley: (from “Hatchet”).

Three finger: (from “Wrong turn”).

Kayako and Toshio Saeki: (from the movies “Ju-On” and “The grudge”).

Frankenstein: he will spawn around your world, or also if a zombie gets hit by a thunder, he will transform. He can be tamed with speckled melon, and can be healed with golden carrots, be careful when taming him, he will still try to kill you. He likes walking around so, when you want to go for a trip with him, you might have to check for him hehe. 

Leprechaun (from “Leprechaun”): these little guy is actually friendly, but he will search for gold, be careful if you drop something made out of it, he might steal you. If you drop him a gold ingot, he will give you some drops in exchange. Be careful, if you punch him , he will chase you. He spawns randomly around your world, but not so frequently.

Dancing Pennywise [from “IT (2017)]: He behaves similar to his older version Pennywise, but he is a little more creepy, in my opinion hehe. As said, he spawns and drops same as Pennywise.

Norman Bates (from “Psycho”): These guy, wearing clothes from his mother has completely lose his mind, becoming literally a psycho. He will spawn around your world, you will know when he is close, believe me.

Jack Torrance (from “The shinning”): Another guy that has lost his mind completely, he became insane and seeks people to kill with his axe. Here’s Johnny!! (Don’t try naming him like that if you don’t want everything to be killed). Spawns randomly around the overworld

Sam (from “Trick or treat):

These little “kid” will walk around your world by nights, making sure that you accomplish the Halloween rules, punishing those who ignore them with his bloody candy.

Amanda, or Jigsaw’s apprentice (from “Jigsaw”):

She will seek for you during the nights, taking revenge in name of Jigsaw for his dead child, testing people’s will to stay alive.

Hannibal Lecter (from “The silence of the lambs”):

Known for his strange obsession with human flesh, Hannibal will search for human flesh during night, watch out, if you don’t want to be eaten.

Regan (from “The exorcist”):

Regan Macneil has been possessed, be careful, she might stay still sometimes, but it is a trap, if you are at her range, she will crawl very fast at you and poison you. You can also try to exorcise her, by throwing her a potion of weakness and then giving her holy water, you must wait some time before she gets back to normal.

Pennywise the clown (from “IT”):

It is a very creepy and weird clown, he just seems to be a nice guy, but he isn’t. He resists the knock back, moves really fast in water and has a creepy walking animation. Watch out for him, he spawns near rivers and in swamps, but not so frequently.

Samara (from “The Ring”):

Her damage is almost lethal, and also blinds you so it gets harder to kill her. She will spawn not too often, and spawns mainly in the Warped Forest biomes in the Nether. Don’t stare at her if you don’t want to get in trouble. Btw, her noises might be a little to high so, be careful when too close, just try and avoid her.

Freddy Kreuger (from “Nightmare on Elm street”):

As soon as you are in range, he won’t stop attacking until you are dead. He also blinds you so you gotta be careful. He spawns only on Crimson Forest biomes, watch out for him.

 Jason Vorhees (from “Friday the 13th”): Like it’s said, the poor Jason died drowned on the lake so, there’s where he will spawn more frequently. Be careful around swamps, rivers or lakes, Jason might try to get you, and when he gets you he will slow you down, so you don’t scape.

Michael Myers (from “Halloween”):

Michael will rarely spawn in your world, and when he does, he won’t go until you finish with him.

Ghostface (from “Scream”): 

He will spawn around your world, searching for you, his attacks will give you weakness to slow your attacks.

Chucky (from “Child’s play):

Chucky, as well as Ghostface will spawn around your world, and even in caves sometimes. He’s a really annoying little toy, don’t mess with the Chuck! 

 Leatherface (from “The Texas chain massacre”):

This guy will spawn frequently and mainly in extreme hills and flower forests, of course welding his lethal chainsaw. Be really careful when been around this guy, he really hurts, and so he makes sure you don’t scape applying you slowness with each attack. And also you gotta stay alert, he does spawn during day.



-The Headless Horseman:

The legend has arrived, or myth can also be a name. From Sleepy Hollow, the legend of the Headless Horseman is now a boss in HorrorCraft, who will summon Dullahan spirits to help him in combat. He burns at daylight, take advantage from it.

The Cenobites (from “Hellraiser):

Pinhead, as the main leader, will summon minions to help him in battle. The first one is the Chatterer: this Cenobite will give you weakness. The second one is the Female Cenobite: this Cenobite will give you the Wither effect. And the third one Butterball: this Cenobite will slow you down for a moment. This boss has a Heath of 650 hearts, and he does a lot of damage, be really prepared to face them. The only way to summon him is by commands at the moment, in a very short time, his spawn egg will have a recipe, stay tuned! 

Candyman (from “Candyman”):

The only way to find him, or well, to actually summon him is by saying his name 5 times (you will have to type the command /function candyman_candyman_candyman_candyman…).

You’ve been warned, he is threatening! He will summon inoffensive bees, but be careful if you punch one.

Valak (from the universe of “The Conjuring”): she will spawn underground, be careful when mining. She can summon Anabelle

Blair witch: she is invisible, be really careful and pay attention for footsteps, when she gets close to you, you will be blinded and start receiving damage. Also, I suggest keeping your head down, if you get to stare at her, she will get really mad. She will randomly summon Cursed woods. Spawns near forests.

Mary Shaw and her puppets (from “Dead silence”):

The legend says that you should never stare at Mary Shaw, and if you see her in your nightmares, don’t dare to scream, or she will take your tongue. She is a boss that can spawn randomly in your world, but be careful, she will summon 2 puppets for helping her. Billy Shaw it’s a puppet that won’t move, but he will make you weak in a big area, be sure to take him out fast. And her other puppet, that’s a lot more lethal is Clown puppet. He will try to approach you and explode, be really careful, don’t face him near your buildings. Now she will summon rarely the Puppet.


Slenderman: known for his disturbing aspect, he lives in the taiga biome, be careful at nights, that’s when he will appear. 

Mr.Babadook (from “The Babadook”): he can be summoned by the /function let_me_in . He gives you the Wither effect if you get attacked. In dead, he can drop you a random enchanted book. 

Mama (from “Mama”): she can spawn sometimes in your world, be careful, she is really creepy. 

The Crooked man (from the universe of “The Conjuring”): he will also spawn randomly in your world, careful, he is tough. 

Jigsaw (from “Jigsaw):

These little puppet will appear sometimes during night, it is a little rare, but once you find him, try catching him fast! He will run away from you, as well as summoning some apprentices, get him! In dead, he will drop you a puzzle piece, you can have the chance to get one, or none, but you will need 9 pieces to form the complete puzzle. Ash will reward you once you complete the puzzle!



-Candies: this new consumables, as well as granting you nutrition, they can give you different effects each one. The red one grants you strength, and it’s variant grants you a lot of strength for a short time. The green one gives you a super jump boost, the blue one speed and the yellow one haste. Use them wisely, as they are rare drops from the haunted mobs.

Introducing the syringes! They will give you effects to help you in your gameplay There are currently 5 syringes:

 – Ash load syringe: a syringe made from Freddy’s ash, but neutralizing the bad effects. It gives you fire resistance for a short time. Now has the same recipe as the other syringes, using a freddy ash in the brewing stand.

 Sweet load syringe: a syringe that comes from the extraction of candies. It gives you speed boost for a short time, and also has the chance to give you haste. In order to get this syringe, you will need a boost syringe and the candies. Go to a brewing stand, and use 1 by 1 your syringes in it

 – Curse load syringe: a syringe that comes from the extraction of cursed blood. It gives you absorption and strength for a short time. In order to get this syringe, you will need a boost syringe and cursed blood. Go to a brewing stand, and use 1 by 1 your syringes in it

 Boost syringe: it can be obtained exchanging a Terrifier’s syringe with Regan Macneil. It’s gives you health boost for a short time (4 more hearts)

 – Terrifier’s syringe: it is a lethal syringe, don’t even try using it, it might be dangerous. It is dropped just by Art the clown or it can be crafted with it’s pieces , also dropped just by him, except for the needle for syringe, it can be crafted.

There are 4  basic consumables or items, the cursed blood (Michael Myers, Regan, Norman Bates, Candyman and some others have the chance to drop them), the Freddy’s ash (yeah, like you can imagine, Freddy Kreuger is the only one that drops it when killed), the new Balloon (yup, it is like a consumable, dropped by Pennywise) and Candies (Sam will drop them sometimes) .Both have strong effects, but they do have a penitence for their usage. The balloon will just give you nausea for a few seconds, then, you will be able to float for a short moment, if you want to get to high places or just have a better view! And the candies will give you speed and restore 4 hunger bars, but, “always check your candies” there is a 40% chance to give you the Wither effect, it may be lethal.

Cursed blood: it will give you resistance and absorption for a moment, but it also has bad effects like nausea, wither and sometimes poison, though they don’t last long, but be careful, it can kill you while having low health.

Freddy’s ash: this consumable gives you fire resistance 2 and night vision for a period of time, in exchange, a penalty of slowness will also be applied for a short time, as well as the wither effect. 

But well, you can either chose to consume them or trade them with Ash Williams to get some netherite ingots.

Balloon: the balloon will make you elevate for a short period of time, don’t worry, you won’t fall and die, it’s effects last until you can land safely.



Kitting items: now making doll parts part for an important craft (more coming the way). 

After you encounter Mary Shaw, she will have a chance to drop you her amulet. These amulet can be either consumed or used for crafting the totem amulet. The totem amulet can be either consumed or used for transforming the puppet.

Here are the recipes for obtaining the totem amulet.

There are some new items, including the eight pages from the “Slenderman” game, that can be used for crafting an amulet. Also adds the new item drowned gem that can be dropped by Samara, Jason, Pennywise and Dancing Pennywise. Also, you can obtain it’s pieces, that can be dropped by Kayako. When fusing 9 drowned gems, you can obtain an upgraded drowned gem, used for crafting the Drowned sword. The Nautilus stick it’s also an important part for crafting the Drowned sword. And finally the doll parts , dropped by the doll mobs (currently they don’t have function).The Slender amulet now can be used multiple times, but, after using it you will have to charge it. Just surround it with emeralds.

Also adding the Leprechaun’s treasure or also the gold cauldron. You can find them in mineshafts or can also be crafted. You can exchange it with Ash for receiving the Bottle with luck, that gives you the effect Hero of the village for a period of time, as well as giving you regeneration.

More items: The Mysterious box, the Engine, the chainsaw base, the paper boat (it is just a paper boat, but it seems to have value for Ash), Holy water, Puzzle piece, Complete puzzle, Hannibal’s mask and the Mysterious box, it has no functionality, but they have a chance to be obtained from chests in ruined portals, dessert temples and jungle temples (in a future update, due to a recipe, the Mysterious box will summon The Cenobites).


Holy water:

Complete puzzle:



/function treat

/function candyman_candyman_candyman_…

/function horror_weapons

/function let_me_in

/function horror_items

/function horror_weapons

/function eight_pages


NOTE2: for some reason, the blocks I’m adding aren’t working, I’m still working on them. As soon as I make them work, an update will include a new biome.

NOTE3: I’m still working on a way to include structures, the problem is that the Minecraft I have I just have it on my Xbox, so I can’t export the structures

I will really appreciate if you can donate to my PayPal, this thing of making add-ons is really a hard work, my PayPal is [email protected]  if you contribute, I will be very thankful, and it will also keep me motivated to keep with the hard work. (Anyways I will still update it, I just put it if someone could help me with any donation)

 You can message me on my Twitter @morochoomg3. All the sounds used in my mod aren’t of my property, some of them where took from the game “Dead by Daylight”, some others from the original movies, and other random sounds. Please, if you are going to do a review of this add-on, at least credit me, thank you!

There are more entities, weapons, food, blocks and biomes on the way. Also, any suggestions you can tweet me! Maybe you can ask me what horror character you want next ;), I’ll be very excited to hear your comments.


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