Download Herobrine’s Rebirth Mod (Add-on + Script) (
MC: Herobrine’s Rebirth Mod (Add-on + Script) (
Viewed: 1222 - Published at: 5 years ago


This one-of-a-kind mod adds everyone’s favorite Minecraft creepypasta to the game: Herobrine. This mod adds two different versions of Herobrine: the regular Herobrine we all know and love and Herobrine God, along with a dozen of other mobs: Herobrine Totem, Zombrine, and Villagerbrine.

Creator: JoePaletoTwitter Account



  • Teleports
  • Is immune to fire
  • Is immune to any harmful status effect (ex. Wither, Slowness, Poison, etc)
  • Is immune to any projectile damage (ex. arrows, tridents, fireballs, eggs, snowballs, etc)
  • Constantly places TNT and blows things up
  • Turns Creepers into Charged Creepers

Special attacks:

  • Melee damage
  • Summons Zombrines
  • (Literally) blinds the player temporarily
  • Gives the player a Nausea effect
  • Slows down the player temporarily

How to summon Herobrine? Watch the video!

Herobrine God


  • Flies
  • Physically bigger than its counterpart
  • Is immune to fire
  • Is immune to any harmful status effect (ex. Wither, Slowness, Poison, etc)
  • Unlike its counterpart, this version is vulnerable to any projectile damage (ex. arrows, tridents, fireballs, eggs, snowballs, etc)
  • Turns Creepers into Charged Creepers and then ignites them
  • Will attack any mob in its way except:
    • Brines (Zombrines and Villagerbrines)
    • Wolves (killing wolves is cruel: he’s a monster, not a jerk)
    • Creepers

Special attacks:

  • Shoots powerful, big Fireballs at its target
  • Will shoot Fireballs even faster if its target is within a 16-block range

How to summon Herobrine God? Watch the video!

Herobrine Totem

This mob is used for summoning both Herobrine and Herobrine God. Right-clicking (or long-clicking if you’re in mobile) the Totem with an offering will make it have a reaction: if the offering is worthy enough for the Totem (a Diamond Sword or a Wither Skeleton Skull, for example), the Totem will summon an entity depending on the what the offering was.

Offering a Diamond Sword -> Summons Herobrine

Offering a Wither Skeleton Skull -> Summons Herobrine God

…and many others that are waiting for you to find out… but remember

Offering an invalid item -> Summons a Zombrine as a punishment


  • Spawns naturally in the Overworld
  • Can’t be moved from where it spawned
  • Is immune to any kind of damage
  • Can have offerings placed on its hands



  • Harder, better, faster, stronger… and waaaaay bigger than regular Zombies
  • Immune to knockback
  • Float in water

Special attacks:

  • Melee damage



  • Has six variants (including the Nitwit)
  • Does nothing but follow and creep any mob near him/her.


  1. Download Resources & Behaviors Packs (External Link)
  2. Apply the packs for a world.
  3. Enable “Experimental Gameplay” in the world settings.
  4. Create the world.

You can download a .ZIP file for this add-on here.


