Download FunPark! – A Minecraft Amusement Park - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: FunPark! – A Minecraft Amusement Park
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 999 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to visit an amusement park in Minecraft? Well, now there is a way! Featuring 5 unique coasters, you can tour this amusement park with your friends.

This map features a multitude of rides. As my first map (don’t judge), I attempted to create a ‘theme park’ feel in Minecraft, complete with villagers riding the roller coasters. Don’t worry, you can ride them too (pictured below: Dragon Flight coaster)!

There are rides for everyone!

There is also a brand new waterpark area!

If you like what you see, please download this map. It is compatible with Bedrock Edition.

If sharing this world via social media or Youtube, please give credit, and include a link to this page.


After downloading the file, open it, and it should automatically import the file and launch Minecraft.

Note: If the world does not appear to function (Level Import Failed), then change the .mcworld into a .zip format, and extract the contents. Paste the folder into your Minecraft Worlds folder.


