Download Boat Minigames! - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Boat Minigames!
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1245 - Published at: 5 years ago


Welcome to boat minigames,in this type of world/map,you would be playing minigames!Don’t Forget to invite your friends as playing with them makes the map enjoyable!

Note: Some worlds might not support multiplayer,you can change it in world settings!

Welcome to boat minigames,in this type of world/map,you would be playing minigames!Don’t forget to invite your friends as playing with them makes the map enjoyable!

Be sure to reinstall this map again and again for more updates as I am adding more minigames!

Update 1:

–Bug fixes!

–Added Team Eliminations minigame!

–Added Spectate mode!(Find it in the lobby!)

Download in the link below!

Make sure you see the Rules of the games before playing!


Minigames available currently:

1.Icy Boat Race:

Objective:Complete the small race full of boat jumps before other players,click the button for prize and go back to the lobby to win!

Rule:Do not cheat and hit other players!

2.Tower Battles:

Objective:Choose a team,compete with the opponent team and get to the basement of the other tower and click the button to win and celebrate your victory!

Common Bug(statement important to read):In case of getting to the opponent tower,did you step on the pressure plate?no problem that plate was for the opponent team introduction(like you would get in your choosed team)just ignore it and continue your team’s way to victory!

Rule:Do not Betray your team!

3.Team Eliminations:

Objective:Choose a team,Help your team in order to eliminate your opponent team completely!

After eliminating the opponent team,find the secret basement to the lobby to win!!

Rule:Do not cheat and betray your team.


Recommended Players for this map:

2 at least.

Map creator:YatharthYT

More Minigames coming soon!

For more maps/updates Subscribe to:

Crazy YouTuber Yatharth

For more!


Download the map and decompress it and add it in your worlds folder!

In case you have downloaded a .mcworld file: Slelect the .mcworld file and open it with Minecraft.You would see it in your worlds list.

Required versions:

--1.11 and above.


