Download The Tale of Herobrine [Adventure] [Redstone] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Tale of Herobrine [Adventure] [Redstone]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1252 - Published at: 4 years ago


The Tale of Herobrine took the creator 4-5 months to build and includes an adventure map with an advanced built-in redstone system. For that to work you will need to have the PocketPower redstone addon installed while playing.

It’s definitely a fun map with lots of time to be spent exploring and adventuring. The addition of redstone definitely gives the map a nice touch as it allows for surprises.

Creator: ThatGuyPT


For as long as you can remember have you and your family lived in a small village known as the Mountain Hill Village. Your father works as the head of the church and he has always appeared as the kind gentleman of the village who people turn to in desperate times. But little do you know that your father is not who you think he is..


  • Difficulty off unless told otherwise
  • Turn off fancy graphics
  • Don’t break blocks

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Download PocketPower Redstone Mod
Download Map (MediaFire)

