Download FakeHacksMC - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: FakeHacksMC
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1630 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to try what it feels like to have hacks, or atleast tried to trick your friends into thinking you’re hacking? Then this could be a good resource pack to use to do the trick. However take in mind that this is just a resource pack and will not actually add any hacks to your game. 

This is a resource pack that adds fake overlay images of hack clients that’s sure to fool anyone. 

This is how it looks like in game, you can use it with other texture packs you want aslong as it’s on top. There are multiple hacks named at the right, such as Scaffold, Nofall, cheststealer, auto armor, name tags, Velocity, tracer, midclick, critical, antibot, ESP and fastest. At the left however, is the fps and cps counter (which is fake and doesn’t work). And finally at the bottom right there is a logo/watermark of the fake Hacked client. 

You may notice that on some devices or platforms the offsets of the images aren’t perfect, which is why you have to manually edit the coordinates or size to fit to your liking.

In the files (you can use any decent file manager, I used es file explorer) go to the pack>UI and the debug_screen.json file. Scroll down to find what part of the images you want to edit, if you want to edit the logo.png size or coordinates then find it’s row in the code. The x coordinates are the left and right directions of the image while the y coordinates are the up and down directions (x, y)  once you’re done editing the coordinates you can check back if it worked by restarting minecraft. 

You can use this resource pack in servers since it doesn’t give you any unfair advantages which real hack clients give. Just explain to them when you’re making a video that it is fake. 

This pack was inspired and made by Praxer 24, all credits goes to him as he was the one who gave the idea and help with making the resource pack. 

Here’s the link to his original version of this pack which is the fake vape client. Try it out and give him more feedback as to what he could add next.


Simply press the download link, skip ad, ignore all ads and block all incoming notifications and it will eventually move to mediafire after a few minutes or you can just close your browser and check on it later. Once downloaded, simply press the file and open minecraft. 


