Download The Prison Break [Adventure] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: The Prison Break [Adventure]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1033 - Published at: 5 years ago


The Prison Break is a map inspired by the Prison Break TV series. Your brother was sent to prison after trying to rob a bank and your mission is to try to save him. Not only will you help him escape prison but you will also go through with a bank robbery and escape by helicopter. It’s one of the most clever maps I’ve tested MCPE DL and it is definitely worth playing if you enjoy some intense action, clever puzzles and an intriguing story.

Creators: Jannik_DE (Twitter), Joel_DE
Updated: 27 November, 2016 (supports 0.16, 0.17)



A few months ago your brother, Ryan Cooper, was incarcerated in Fox River State Prison after being caught trying to rob the Bank of Minecraft. Your name is Mike Cooper and you have decided to help your brother escape prison.

Not only because he’s your a beloved brother but also because he knows the code combination that’s required for robbing the bank. And just like him, you love diamonds a little too much, and can’t resist the thought of being rich.


Grab the gear, gunpowder and compass from one of the chests at spawn. Put on the gear and use the compass to locate the supermarket. Read the signs to continue through the map.


  • Set difficulty to peaceful
  • Don’t break/place blocks unless told to do so
  • Read all signs

It’s not easy to escape prison. One of the challenges include crawling through a vent.


The bank includes multiple puzzles which needs to be solved before accessing the vault.

theprisonbreak4 theprisonbreak3 theprisonbreak5

Tripwires are connected to alarms (redstone lamps). Make sure not to trip!


Download .McWorld
Download .ZIP

