Download Definitive Animations - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Definitive Animations
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1252 - Published at: 5 years ago


Definitive Animations is a resource pack that is responsible for giving life to more than 120 textures within the game.
More blocks and items will be updated soon!

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Definitive Animations is a resource pack that is responsible for giving life to more than 120 textures within the game.
More blocks and items will be updated soon!

List of blocks that were modified:

.Bamboo leaves
.Bee’s nest
.Beetroots crops
.Blast Furnace
.Support for Potions
.Coral Blocks
.Diamond block
.Dead bush
.Light detector
.Diamond Block
.Spell table
.Ender’s Chest
.Portal to the End
.Block of gold
.Gold Ore
.Iron Ore
.Mob Spawner
.Stone of light
.Potato Crops
.Quartz Ore
.Redstone lamp
.Smithing table
.Redstone Ore
.Wheat crops
.Carrot crops

You can record this addon or share it but please give me credits by placing a link to my website or my Twitter @RagthorDev


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