Download Cuter Vanilla Parrots v1.0.0 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Cuter Vanilla Parrots v1.0.0
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1073 - Published at: 5 years ago


If you dislike the Vanilla Minecraft parrot model/textures as much as I do, you might enjoy my resource pack! This resource pack adds a new model and texture for the parrot– which will function as normal. There is also an optional Cockatoo texture which will replace the Cockatiel (grey parrot) variant.

You will still be able to hunt, tame, and let the parrot ride on your shoulder! This resource pack will not disable xbox achievements since there is no behavior pack required. If you dislike my version of the parrot, that’s ok you can just remove the resource pack from your world and everything should be fine. I hope you enjoy this pack!

  • Added a completely new model for the Vanilla Parrot
  • Added more realistic wings, beak, feet, & tail!
  • Gave each parrot variant a brand new texture, including an optional Cockatoo texture (replaces the Cockatiel, install instructions below)
  • Added a more lifely & lifelike dance animation with small variants based on real-life parrot dancing!
  • Each parrot texture is now based on it’s real life counterpart:
      •  The red parrot variant is based on the Scarlet Macaw
      •  The blue parrot variant is based on the Hyacinth Macaw
      •  The turqouise/light blue parrot variant is based on the Blue-and-Gold Macaw
      •  The grey parrot variant is based on a Cockatiel
      •  The (optional) Cockatoo variant is based on a real-life Cockatoo

If you like this pack, you should search my name & check out my other packs including:
“Cuter Vanilla Animals”

Please do not change, copy, claim as your own, or redistribute without my permission.

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Optionally, If you like what you see and would like to support me and my FREE downloads/addons you can support me though: 

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Venmo – @FineArtByAmber


Cockatoo Installation Instructions:

If you prefer the Cockatoo to the Cockatiel, download both packs in the links above. Apply both to your world, ensuring that the Cockatoo pack is higher in the pack hierarchy. This should replace the grey parrot variant with the Cockatoo.


