Download Craft++ (Beta) - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Craft++ (Beta)
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1461 - Published at: 4 years ago


Hi! You got into a map called Craft ++! This map adds a mod called Craft ++ to Minecraft PE! I made this map for a very long time and hope you like it! rules 1.Play in English 2. Do not change the craft 3.Enjoy I have been making this map for 2 weeks and I hope you like it and there are no Pak Textures on the map!

 HOW do craft work ?: You need to put on the dropper upside down and throw the Diamond on it. Don’t worry, you will wave the diamond back. And after that you will have an ultimate block!If you need watch how to do it click –> How To do Ultimate Block

WHAT ARE THE CRAFTS ?: To inspect the craft you have to click on the button where it says Craft
And take Two eggs from there. First you need to use an egg with the name Out there you will appear and then use an egg with the name Craft And you will find yourself on a platform with craft!If you need more click–>How to go on Platform If you want to leave from Platform push batton with name Out

HOW DO CRAFT:After you decide to craft something, you first need not to go far from the whole mechanism. In the second, stand on the ultimatum block Get up And do not stand near!If you need more click –>How to do Craft

EVERYTHING congratulations. Now you can safely survive with these modifications! 

All Crafts Photo:

All craft on text:

Cat-spawn egg spider and 8 string

Mule-spawn egg horse and dunkey spawn egg

Leather Horse Armor -8 leather and one spawn egg horse

Diamond horse Armor -8 diamond and one horse spawn egg

Iron horse armor -8 iron ingot and one horse spawn egg

Golden horse armor- 8 gold ingot and one horse spawn egg

End portal rame -6 end stone brick and one eye of ender

Lead- 8 string

Monster spawn – 8 iron bars

Polar bear -8 ice and one panda spawn egg

Lama -chest leather armor horse spawn egg

Slime-8 slime

Tropical fish egg-tropical fish

Zombie horse- one horse spawn egg and 8 Rotten flash

Creeper-8 gunpowder

Bat-one torch and two ghast tear

Skelet horse-5 bone and one horse spawn egg

Silverfish-8 stone

Ocelot-one spawn egg cat ad two rabbit paw

Mooshoroom-one cow spawn egg and 8 red mashorom

Pufferfish egg-one pufferfish

Strey-one poison arrow and 6 bone

Enderman-8 endpearl

Salmon egg- salmon

Dolphin- 3 tropical fish 2 pufferfish 3 cod

Cod egg-cod

Horse -7 leather

Rabbit -2 rabbit paw and 2 rabbit leather

Skeleton -8 bone

Donkey -leather armor horse and spawn horse egg

Turtle- 3 turtle egg and one turtle shell

Panda -8 bamboo

Parrot -3 seed one Cocoa beans

Husk -8 rotten flash and poison of fire resistance

Drowned -8 rotten flash and one shell of nautilus

Cave spider-8 string and one fermented spider eye

Witch+ 4 glowstone dust and one glass bottle

Guardian-4 prismarine shard and 4 prismarine crystals

Ghast-2 ghast tear and one gunpowder

Blaze- 4 blaze rod and 4 blaze powder

Elder guardian-3 prismarine crystals one prismarine shard one golden block and 4 sea leathern 

Shulker-4 shulker shell 

Magma cube-nether wart magma block and magma cream

Endermite-enderpearl and 3 chorus fruit

Zombie Village-one emerald and 8 rotten flash

Chicken-one egg 4 feather and one raw chicken

Phantom-one blaze spawn egg and one eyes of ender

Wither skeleton-one wooden sword 5 bone and one potion of decay

Pillager-one arbalet and one vindicator spawn egg

Vindicator- 4 emerald and one iron axe

Spider -8 string and one spider eyes

Vex -2 ice one iron sword

Zombie 8 rotten flash 

Evoker -8 totem and one emerald

Pigman -8 golden Nugget and one zombie spawn egg

Wolf -6 bone

Sheep -3 wool and one raw mutton

Villager- 8 emerald

Pig -one Porckchchock and 8 carrot 

Cow- 8 leather one raw beef

Bedrock -5 nether star and 4 obsidian

Command block -8 bedrock

Saddle -8 leather

Enchanted golden apple- one golden apple and 8 diamond block


On Platform You can not breake or put blocks and on platform not spawning monters

Survive in this map alone or with your Friends!

All system photos:

Very Long


Click on Crfat ++

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Click on  map

Have fun


